Sitting in the mud puddle…

The devotional, A Friend’s Comfort, really hits home. Deciding to sit down in a mud puddle to join a person who has fallen in there is a wonderful image. Following that up with the Biblical story of Job’s friends fits so well. In that set of passages, they sit with Job but don’t open their mouths.

Sometimes it’s our actions of “just being” that can help those who are hurting. No words ever need be spoken. Thanks, Our Daily Bread***, for this wonderful reminder.

POTENTIAL ACTION(S): Think of someone you will likely see today who needs comfort. Decide how you can “just be” with that person – arranging time to sit together, a hug, a consoling touch on the shoulder or ???

PRAYER: Dear God, We are so quick to speak. Help us to squelch that urge this day, and instead offer our presence to others, without necessarily saying a word. Amen

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

*** The materials Our Daily Bread (ODB) shares now warrant an annual donation on behalf of the Christian Playbook. ODB consistently shares thoughtful devotions, with audio versions a wonderful enhancement (you can subscribe for free HERE.)

No words need be spoken….



Lectionary Texts for Sunday, July 5, 2020:

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Walking a labyrinth…

The Guideposts post HERE about labyrinths is well worth a read.

“Walking a labyrinth”  can be a powerful experience and you don’t need to take a physical step (the beauty of the pocket labyrinth!) There’s much more about labyrinths on the Christian Playbook HERE.

I especially like the idea of this “Faith Step” from the Guideposts post above

“Faith Step: Invite a friend to join you as you walk an unfamiliar path or trail. Talk about ways Jesus has guided you through the unexpected curves life has handed you.” ~ (Guideposts post of 8/7/18 HERE )

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

P.S. Here are two versions of Life is Like a Mountain Railway, a song that’s pretty relevant to the “Faith Step” above: 1) Patsy Cline (a peaceful stroll of a song) and 2) Johnny Cash and friends (more pep in this one, including all the instrumentals!)

Labyrinth @ St. Anne’s in northern KY
Pocket labyrinth



Lectionary Texts for Sunday, June 28, 2020:

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Stress reduction in unexpected ways…

This Guideposts article by Phnesha Marchette is wonderful – – the idea of using art as a stress-reducer makes sense, even for those of us who might not consider this a primary gift!

Phnesha laughs when first feeling the call to artistic efforts. Isn’t it wonderful how the Spirit can work in such mysterious ways?

  • The “you should paint” stirring that happens regularly
  • The salesperson who becomes an informal accountability partner by saying he’ll expect to see one of Phnesha’s paintings the next time she’s in the store
  • Phnesha’s girls taking an interest in painting

Ever feel that stirring inside? Typing those words spurs a memory of this “Just Do It” song…

ACTION: Allow yourself some quiet time after reading the Guideposts article. Any chance you feel a stirring that needs some action?

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!



Lectionary Texts for Sunday, June 28, 2020:

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God’s Trombones…

One of our church saints told me of her joy in reading the book God’s Trombones by James Weldon Johnson. This poem (Go Down Death) from that book states so well what I believe our sister Sara Liz would say to us now that she’s passed, including the phrases

“And she whispered to us; I’m going home, And she smiled and closed her eyes”

“Weep not – weep not, She is not dead; She’s resting in the bosom of Jesus.”

~ God’s Trombones, p. 29

What books or readings would you want people to see as testimony of your time on this earth?


  • take a look through your favorite books and articles to remind yourself of some noteworthy learnings
  • have you summarized some of these gems for possible use at your own celebration of life? If not – or if you want to think about how to share these ideas with family – check out links HERE

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!



Lectionary Texts for Sunday, June 28, 2020:

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Happy MaRoMo Day! Celebrating Positive Male Role Models…

[NOTE: this is a re-post from previous years, with some modifications]

“It is not flesh and blood, but heart which makes us fathers and sons.” ~ Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805)

Happy Father’s Day.  Hmmm… while I appreciate the concept, perhaps this is less about celebrating men who father children (flesh and blood) and/or raise children and more about recognizing men who are wonderful examples to children

So… maybe this year we can say “Happy MaRoMo** Day!” to all the important guys in our lives?

Not quite as catchy, is it?

Most of us have life blessings which include a multitude of positive male role models – dad, brothers, uncles, cousins and/or several other male family members, teachers, ministers, work colleagues and friends. Thinking of good MaRoMo examples, Jesus has certainly been an important one.

What positive characteristics come to your mind when thinking of Jesus? JOY is one for me, perhaps helped along from my reading of the book JESUS Man of Joy, including this description

“Jesus smiled wider and laughed heartier than any human being who has ever walked the planet.  He was young.  He radiated good cheer.  The real Jesus was a man of such merriment, such gladness of heart, such freedom and openness, that he proved irresistible.  He became known through Galilee for his genuine strength, sparkle in His eyes, the spring in His gait, the heartiness in His laugh, the genuineness of His touch; his passion, playfulness, excitement, and vitality: His JOY!  He made a dazzling display of love.  He set hearts afire.  He was an elated, triumphant young man with an incredible quality of life.”

~ JESUS Man of Joy by Sherwood E. Wirt, p.22

Wirt continues with some action-oriented thinking

“We ourselves may also express the joy of the Lord in smiles and laughter and good cheer, but those are not the only ways.  We participate in his joy through acts of worship, praise, prayer, and song, in witnessing to the saving grace of God and in helping others.”  –  – JESUS Man of Joy p.22

May each of us – male and female – find some Christ-like behaviors to model for our world on this Happy MaRoMo Day and in the years to follow…

POSSIBLE ACTION: Identify some important male role models in your development. Spend some time – – thank God for those folks and possibly send a note, place a call or do some other form of reaching out to those still with us in mortal form…

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Men who shared wonderful examples to BGSU students and many others!



Lectionary Texts for Sunday, June 21, 2020:

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Strengthening Your Prayer Life…

Three Ways to Strengthen Your Prayer Life by Elizabeth Peale Allen suggests these approaches

  • Change your prayer posture
  • Offer your day to God
  • Pray a balanced prayer

Elizabeth shares details on reserving a time in your day and components of prayer, among several others. Her full article (HERE) is worth the read, for sure.

POTENTIAL ACTION: Is “daily prayer” on your to-do list or calendar? If not, consider adding this to your official list or create some other methodical approach for coming to God in daily prayer (first thing in the morning, before bed, before meals or __________.)

PRAYER (elements of the prayer from Elizabeth’s article)

Almighty God, Today I offer myself completely to you: all my thoughts, all my words, all I do. Make my every movement a living prayer; help me unite myself to your son Jesus Christ in heart, mind and soul. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!



Lectionary Texts for Sunday, June 21, 2020:

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Gratitude in the midst of shadows…

In very tumultuous times, Diana Butler Bass provides “A Word of Hope” HERE. We need this during our confluence of pandemics: COVID-19, racial injustice and economic inequality while two years ago when she wrote the post the issues were immigration practices and other U.S. challenges. Diane points out: “… Well, we’re not thankful for any of this. Instead, we can be thankful through it…”

Diana goes on to share some commentary about what we can do in the midst of challenging times, including strengthening our inner selves and sharing of our outer selves. She also provides some links to recent conversations on the topic.

Great is God’s faithfulness. Just typing the words brings back memories of the song and a little inner stirring…

Be grateful for the day, filled with the Spirit!

“A Prayer: I want to change. I want the world to change. Fear and division exhausts me. Exhausts us. We cannot live this way. Make me an instrument of gratefulness. Guide me to the way of mercy and love that leads to peace; That I may guide others to abundant life. For the sake of healing my own heart and healing the world.” ~ Diana Butler Bass



Lectionary Texts for Sunday, June 21, 2020:

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Smile for a while…

It’s important to find reasons to smile, even in the midst of these challenging times.

A good quote can motivate, make you think and sometimes bring smiles. Here are a few favorites…

  • “If God is your co-pilot, SWITCH SEATS!”
  • “I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that he didn’t trust me so much.” – Mother Teresa
  • Life is fragile, handle with prayer
  • Be ye fishers of men. You catch ’em – He’ll clean ’em

Additional humorous lines are HERE and HERE

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!



Lectionary Texts for Sunday, June 21, 2020:

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Visuals Assist Prayer …

Pictures can provide wonderful memories. During prayer time, viewing pictures of those for whom we’re praying can enhance our time with God.

If you haven’t done this before, maybe this is the day to try it out? If you’ve used this in the past, any way you want to “refresh the experience?”

  • At first, find a few pictures of loved ones. Place those photos in an area(s) where you’ll see them regularly while praying.
  • As time goes on, this practice can stay relevant by adding more hard copy photographs around the house and/or by adding photos using technology. Locating hard copy photos all around may even help prompt prayer?
  • For those liking technology, you might also create a Word/PowerPoint document and copy/paste photo images of people who are on your prayer list.
    • These electronic pictures can be on your computer and also “in the cloud” for viewing on smart phones, tablets or other computers even when away from home. [As a small example, HERE is an example prayer photo collage]
    • ** NOTE: please don’t let this technological option become a burden – it’s just an additional way to make prayer visual and impactful. If it’s not adding joy, it’s not worth considering!

ACTION:  With Father’s Day upcoming next weekend, maybe you “dig out” some family pictures of male role models (and female role models) to use for this purpose?

PRAYER: Creator God, thank you for visual reminders of important people in our lives. Help us think of these guides as we strive to be more like Christ in all we do and say… Amen.

Have fun with pictures and prayer. Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!



Lectionary Texts for Sunday, June 14, 2020:

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Unspoken privilege of being white…

The unspoken privilege of being white. CAC’s posting HERE focuses on Richard Rohr’s perspective. This section might strike you the way it did me when thinking about this topic:

I would have never seen my own white privilege if I had not been forced outside of my dominant white culture by travel, by working in the jail, by hearing stories from counselees and, frankly, by making a complete fool of myself in so many social settings—most of which I had the freedom to avoid! 

It’s so easy to stay in our comfort zones, isn’t it? Whether white privilege or some other/additional privilege we enjoy, getting out of the comfort zone (while staying reasonably safe) is an opportunity for growth in spite of the uncomfortable ramifications of increased understanding and the stirring for more action.


  • Please read the CAC full posting (linked above and also HERE )
  • For those who aren’t already doing so, how can you force yourself outside of your dominant white culture (or other comfort zone privilege) this week?

PRAYER: Creator God, strengthen us for the day ahead. Help us use the examples of Jesus, Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr. and so many other spiritual guides to move us to an “outside the comfort zone,”  loving experience with neighbors all around the world, no exceptions! Amen.

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!



Lectionary Texts for Sunday, June 7, 2020:

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