Praying for Creation

Praying for Creation is the title of Richard Rohr’s 10/27 meditation. In it, he uses a joint statement by Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to highlight key points about our need for concerted efforts to save our earth and society. It’s worth the read and the prayer if you have time.

This reminds me of the song Fairest Lord Jesus and the beautiful creation lyrics about the sunshine, moonlight, meadows, etc… Interestingly, there is very little in that song about human actions to help creation, though there is the line about Jesus: “Who makes the woeful heart to sing.” Maybe this relates a little to what Pope Francis is encouraging?

ACTION: Are there ways this week that you can “hear the cry of the earth, … attend to the needs of the marginalized, … heal … our wounded creation?”

Enjoy the day and all of creation, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, October 29, 2017:

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Let not your heart be troubled this Tuesday

God, we dwell with you, generations before and generations to come. We flourish, rejoicing with you, seeking your favor. Then like the flowers once in full bloom, we fade, turning back to dust. Make us glad for all our days, sharing your love and joy with all we meet! [Christian Playbook adaptation of Psalm 90 selections]

This Psalm (90) shares thoughts about life and death – our days pass like a watch in the night, grass renewed, swept away, dust… The Psalmist sure has a way of providing imagery to both empower us and help us recognize the smallness of our seemingly massive troubles in God’s context.

ACTION: Click HERE to go to the Audio Daily Prayer link and listen to Tuesday’s prayer. Think of someone in your circle of witnesses whose loved one has recently passed from this mortal world and share a prayer of peace and support for them…

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, October 29, 2017:

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Busy Advent Season Ahead?…Behold!

It seems a long ways off, yet Advent 2017 begins just 6 weeks from this Sunday. No, I’m not trying to hurry along to that season – the retail stores will do that for us soon enough! 🙂

So why mention it now?

In preparing for Advent 2017,the Christian Playbook will be periodically implementing some ideas from Pamela C. Hawkins’ book Behold! Cultivating Attentiveness in the Season of Advent. Preliminary review of this little guide is very favorable, especially seeing practices including “reflection, silence, prayer, reading scripture, reading or singing of hymn texts, and Christian service and action” (Behold! Cultivating Attentiveness in the Season of Advent p.13) Sounds a lot like the Christian Playbook plays, doesn’t it?

No need to purchase this little book to be part of the Christian Playbook experience with the related postings. However, it seemed worth mentioning in case you are interested in spending extra time with her book.*** My guess is that reading her materials will allow us to experience an even more intensive, joy-filled journey (Michael Card reference here…)

ACTION: This weekend, consider spending a little time with the word “Joy.” Go to a quiet place and reflect on this word, letting it sift through your thoughts and over your experiences to contemplate what meaning it has in your life with God and your life with others [NOTE: this activity is mentioned in the book Behold! Cultivating Attentiveness in the Season of Advent p.12]

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, October 22, 2017:

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*** I invite you to join me in reading Pamela’s words if you are so inclined (it’s available used for about $6 and new for about twice that.) There is no need to purchase the book though…

Surviving exile

Beth Richardson provides lots of thought-provoking materials and this post on surviving exile is a fine example. Her prose reminds me of the song On the Willows from the show Godspell (click here to hear the song)

ACTION – Consider Beth’s commentary: “Let us know when to
Take action.
Stay in the present moment.
Go outside.
Take a media break.
Remember the long view.”

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, October 22, 2017:

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Christ as a Light (Penlight, Searchlight, …)

In this “Searchlights and Penlights” UCC devotional, Martin Copenhaver quotes Sister Helen Prejean:

“I’m always asking God for a searchlight.  But, instead, God gives me a penlight.”

Copenhaver goes on to say that he’s learning to walk by penlight. My guess is that a lot of us can relate to that thinking.

How do we allow more illumination in our lives? Maybe one answer is included in the song  “Christ as a Light” (Prayer of St. Patrick,) performed in this link by John Michael Talbot. Hearing or singing this song provides peace, especially conceiving of the omnipresence…

ACTION: Finding time to brighten/focus the penlight and allow the possibility for more searchlight opportunities is valuable, especially since brightening the path helps during light and dark times.

  • Spend a few minutes in silence, allowing yourself to bask in the light.
  • Consider using Copenhaver’s prayer as a breath prayer today: “God, if I can’t have the searchlight, show me how to walk by penlight.”

May we allow ourselves to be surrounded by the light of God, illuminated and illuminating…

Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, October 15, 2017:

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Seeking safer paths…

{NOTE: Recently I’ve spent glorious time with my mom traveling in South Africa. Focusing attention there has led to fewer Christian Playbook posts, despite my best intentions. Perhaps one bonus of the trip is that upcoming devotionals – like the one below – may have an even more global perspective…}

Surveying the South African landscape, one can’t help but be pleased by God’s creation. In particular, the creatures here are beautiful and incredible.

But amidst the beauty, the “circle of life” looms. Watching impala cautiously seeking safe paths in the African landscape, it’s easy to understand the frightening environment for animals.

Sadly, many people have similar experiences of instability. The good news is that we humans have the opportunity to support one another plus enjoy a faith-filled life before, during and after these challenging moments. With our faith-based community at the ready, we can more easily lean into life regardless of what comes our way!

ACTION: can you identify someone in your circle of influence who may need a little extra support? Make contact with him/her today and consider ways you can provide a little safer and/or more enjoyable path for that person…

May you enjoy this day with the power of an elephant, the attention of an impala and filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, October 8, 2017:

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