Listen to Me (Jesus Calling)

If you’re like me, one devotional book just isn’t enough – I crave variety and can bore quickly when reading only one specific style. Jesus Calling is a favorite devotional. The passages are written as though coming directly from Jesus.

“… Listen to Me! Tune out other voices so that you can hear Me more clearly. I designed you to dwell in Peace all day, every day. Draw near to Me; receive My Peace.”

– – March 31st devotional of Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

This makes me smile. It reminds me of our Centering Prayer group and what we’re aspiring to do…

ACTION: If you have a few minutes today, find a quiet place, sit calmly and enjoy time with God with no words necessary.

May you enjoy this day, drawing nearer to Jesus every step of the way!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, April 2, 2017:

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Brevity is bliss…

Dennis the Menace makes it to the Playbook with this comic classic

We could all benefit from a “brevity is bliss” perspective from time-to-time including while sharing our Christian thoughts and/or passions. Look for an opportunity today to share a quick phrase that expresses your faith to another (‘praise be to God,’ ‘God works in mysterious ways,’ ‘prayers are with you,’ ‘we can do no great things, only small things with great love (Mother Teresa),’ ….’)

Who knows – maybe such a phrase will start a much lengthier conversation? 🙂

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit and a little extra grin!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, April 2, 2017:

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Love Lifted Him

In this Guideposts article, Casting Crowns lead singer Mark Hall describes his feelings of wanting to keep his cancer diagnosis private. He and his family quickly found out the value of letting others know. While most of us can’t count on hundreds of thousands of fans contacting us, we all can do our part to lift others up.

Do you know someone going through cancer or other challenges right now? Maybe a card, call, text or other contact can happen today or this weekend?

May the Spirit fill each of us today with unexpected joy and action!

P.S. Love Lifted Me is a song that shares some wonderful messages. Lyrics and the tune are here:

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Lectionary Texts for Sunday, March 26, 2017:

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Small groups provide great support

A recent visit with friend Dan reminded me of our times together in two separate small groups of 8-12 people which enriched my Christian life substantially. We enjoyed wonderful discussion about our faith and our families during those years. One beautiful aftermath is when we get back together years later it is still so comfortable.

If you or someone you know is looking for discussion materials to use with another couple or larger small group, Serendipity booklets and other resource items are HERE. In addition, if a small group of men want some materials, please check out the FATHERS Team materials (Upbuilding Ministries.)

Enjoy the day in your times with God (and small groups of believers,) filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, March 26, 2017:

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Child of the Wind

This past weekend, the Lectionary included the “born again” passage about Nicodemus. It seems appropriate then to point us to this story written by Ron Johnson (formerly of Cincinnati and now living in Michigan.)

When you have 15 minutes today or this weekend, it’s worth a read to enjoy Ron’s prose and consider 1-2 of the reflection questions. For instance,

“What do you think Jesus meant about our not knowing where the wind has been or where it’s going?”

May we feel the wind of the Spirit pushing us, this day and in the weekend ahead!

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Lectionary Texts for Sunday, March 19, 2017:

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Non-traditional fasting

Alive Now** previously included this article by Lynne M. Babb about fasting, including thoughts on non-traditional fasts from electronics, shopping, news media, etc.. Fasting has many benefits, especially freeing us to be be more mindful of those on our prayer lists (and those without food, when we’re doing a food fast).

Maybe you’ll want to try a traditional or non-traditional fast sometime during Lent 2017?

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

** Alive Now has been a favorite devotional for daily or periodic use. We celebrate the years Upper Room has published Alive Now and we hope they keep that content on the internet even though the magazine will be no more as of April 2017. 

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Lectionary Texts for Sunday, March 19, 2017:

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Trying something new for Lent…

When the disciples heard this, they fell to the ground and were overcome by fear. But Jesus came and touched them, saying, “Get up and do not be afraid.” (Matthew 17: 6-7)

We need to be reasonably careful – and hopefully not fearful. Yet it’s important to be willing to make a suitable number of mistakes in life. Maybe this Lenten season is no different, and it’s time to try a little something new to see what you think…

Upper Room has created a webpage called Lent 101 and it includes a section on “Top Ten Things You Can Try for the Lenten Season.” Maybe you’ll want to try an idea from the Lent 101 webpage, even if we’re already a few weeks into the season? 🙂

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

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Lectionary Texts for Sunday, March 12, 2017:

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A Prayer for Lent

In the early 2010s, Rev. Dr. L.P. Jones, prepared and shared a Holy Week Prayer with the MWPC community as part of his weekly column in the Beacon Lite. This prayer is great to read every year during Holy Week.* With his permission it is now available to the Christian Playbook community with a slight alteration for use throughout the Lenten season…

Lenten Prayer* – Rev. Dr. L.P. Jones

Guiding God, we are traveling the Lenten road. We are ready for it to end. We prefer celebration to reflection and self-examination. On the table, pulpit, and lectern, we prefer pure white, festive red, hopeful blue, or gentle green to Lent’s pensive purple. We know our sins are many, but why must we confess them so often? Remind us, gracious God, that you call us to confession not to burden us, but to free us. Help us to offer you every fear, failure, and sin, so that your forgiveness can calm and cleanse us and your steadfast love can draw us to new beginnings.

We thank you, God of wonders, for countless blessings. We thank you for those special people whose embrace, friendship, and accepting eyes ease our burdens and heighten our joys. We thank you for the songbirds who greet the dawn with exuberant melody. We thank you for the ability to laugh: to laugh at ourselves when we are mistaken; to laugh with our friends when we take ourselves too seriously; to laugh for the pure pleasure it brings. We thank you for eyes that see familiar friends and a new face in the crowd, savor a peaceful sunrise or sunset, and note a hand in need of our touch and open arms waiting to receive us.

Because we are so blessed, help us to respond faithfully to life and its goodness. Because people and relationships are so important, help us to look beyond ourselves and share our plenty with those in need. Help us to build a community known for the risks it takes to help others experience your loving presence. Because life can be so abundant, help us to be a community as joyous in our celebrations as we are committed to service in Jesus’ name. Because not everyone sees your blessings so readily, help us to comfort the bereaved, accompany the lonely, offer hope to the despairing, and reach for a better world for all.

We pray for all whose needs and concerns touch our hearts. We pray for those in need whom we cannot or do not see. We pray for new members and those preparing to receive baptism. We pray for all making difficult decisions. We pray for those enduring illness of body, mind, or spirit, and those who struggle to hope. We pray that we will complete our Lenten journey by seeing our brokenness borne by and entombed with Jesus, which will prepare us to hear anew the almost unimaginable proclamation that the tomb is empty, Jesus is risen, and life and love prevail. These and all our prayers we offer with confidence, for we bring them in Jesus’ name. Amen.

* ever-so-slight alterations made so the original Holy Week prayer applies throughout Lent

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Lectionary Texts for Sunday, March 12, 2017:

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“It is always the right time to make the best of the time we have.”

Today’s devotional comes from our friend Toni in Cincinnati. We requested she again provide a guest column and she was willing. Thanks Toni! Toni writes…

Many of us consider with gratitude a special teacher that we have had in
our lives. A teacher who had a profound impact on me was the Rev
Dr LP Jones. In preparation for this Lenten season, I found myself
returning to words that he had written in preparation for Ash Wednesday.
Though they do reflect the practice of ashes, they are useful and
helpful words for any time–not just during Lent.

LP said “We are dust. Our bodies are made of earthly elements and will
return to the earth. It is always the right time to make the best of the
time we have.”

So, I encourage you to think with gratitude of a teacher who impacted
you; and to honor their influence and the memory of LP, to “accept the
gift of life with gratitude and live it with courage.” (LP Jones).

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

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Lectionary Texts for Sunday, March 5, 2017:

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