“Let us stir up one another to love and good works!” (He
brews 10: 24)
- Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood was a visual and auditory example of love for children of all ages. Neighborhood Archive is a treasure trove of indexed episodes of Fred Rogers talking about love in so many situations. Check one out! 🙂
- Identify one good “work” for today
- letter/card of support sent to a family member or friend
- donation made
- efforts at homeless shelter
- Habitat for Humanity volunteering
- local food kitchen efforts
- Fill in the blank: _____________________________
- Which of the types of Greek Love described in this article (Ancient Greeks’ 6 Words for Love) might you be able to share today?
- Check out “Show Your Work” on d365.org
- Fasting is effective – consider a fast from food, electronics or ?? Here’s an Alive Now article by Lynne M. Baab with some ideas…
- For those interested in financial giving to show love, Charity Navigator provides some good metrics on effective use of gifts
- When people on the street ask for a handout, consider:
- offering to take the person to a local restaurant and pay for a meal
- having soft snack/breakfast bars with you to share
- carrying gift certificates/cards to a local grocery store (they can usually designate “for food purchase only”)
- There are so many opportunities to show love to friends and all we meet and these songs express that
- “That’s What Friends Are For” done by Dionne Warwick and friends (Stevie Wonder, Elton John, Gladys Knight and many others) is a wonderful outpouring of friendship and song by the music industry.
- “Ebony and Ivory” – what a great message: “living in perfect harmony” even with all our differences, whatever they may be!
- This CP post talks about the article “What Might a Prophet Look Like?” and some possible activities
- Saying this Life is Short benediction can be a nice reminder about showing love now
- Sharing skills in love
- for those handy with needles (sewing, knitting, crocheting), there are many options including prayer shawls, prayer bears, knitted knockers, Christmas stockings and more!
- In-Stitches is an example of a small group of women sharing needle-work skills in love
- Consider creating God’s Survival Kits to share with important people in your life
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NOTE: the mobius band is here as a symbol of one of my favorite phrases: “altruistic egoism.” When you give, you get so much in return (you are one side of the band, others are on the other side and you share the love!)