Benefits of Labyrinths…

The recent Guideposts post HERE shares ideas about labyrinths. It’s well worth a read.

“Walking a labyrinth”  can be a powerful experience and you don’t even necessarily need to walk a step! There’s much more about labyrinths – including pocket labyrinths – on the Christian Playbook HERE.

I especially like the idea of this “Faith Step” from the Guideposts post above

“Faith Step: Invite a friend to join you as you walk an unfamiliar path or trail. Talk about ways Jesus has guided you through the unexpected curves life has handed you.” ~ (Guideposts post of 8/7/18 HERE )

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, September 2, 2018:

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How Lovely is My Dwelling Place…

I have a confession. Rather than rush around to get ready for church this Sunday, I just didn’t make it there.

God works in mysterious ways and this Sunday morning was no different.

Around 11 AM, when church was starting, I began my church for the day …

  • opening the previous Christian Playbook post and re-read the jail ministry story
  • listening to Our Daily Bread’s daily audio story
  • reading the Lectionary on the Vanderbilt website (listed below, as it is each CP post)
  • reading Psalm 84 in the Lectionary prompted me to go to the Internet and look up the song How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place
  • hearing that song reminded me to look out the window, listen to the wren and realize how lovely is my dwelling place
  • praying time included prayers for each of you Christian Playbook readers who periodically open our devotionals and share spiritual experiences
  • praying using the thematic prayer on the Vanderbilt site which did a nice job of tying things together nicely
  • then the “Jones benediction,” inspired by LP and Nancy was a nice conclusion

“Friends, life is short, and there is precious little time to gladden the hearts of those who travel with us. So make haste to be kind and be quick to love, for in every act of love and kindness, the God who first formed us, transforms and reforms us, now and forever. And for these blessings, the people of God say … Amen.”

May you have such a joy-filled hour at some point in the weeks ahead, even if it DOESN’T include missing formal worship!   🙂

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, August 26, 2018:

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How the Spirit Can Move …

Amazing how The Holy Spirit can move a group of men over the course of one short hour!

Here’s a reminder of one such situation…

In August of 2016, three of us arrived at the jail, greeted by 31 men for worship. Early on we did Amazing Grace – it’s a frequent starting tune for worship because most everyone knows it.

Yet on this day, virtually no one was singing; a troubling sign, for sure …

A transformation happened over the course of our scripture-prayer-song formatted worship … by the time we were done the men encouraged one another to stand while praying the joys and concerns. The final song – If I Had a Hammer – was enjoyed with virtually everyone singing along, including some dancing with all energized.

A magical hour of worshiping God, fueled by the Spirit, for sure!

Even on those days when the Spirit doesn’t immediately seem to be working through you, have confidence and persevere, knowing that your love and caring can shine through in the most unexpected ways and circumstances…

Enjoy the day, filled with the amazing Spirit and unbridled love that can come so abundantly to “Jesus people”…

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, August 26, 2018:

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Say a Little Prayer…

The song Say a Little Prayer for You shares a message about the number of opportunities to say prayers for others, putting “pray without ceasing” in a context of activities of a typical day. A beautiful rendition of this song is HERE, performed by Aretha Franklin.

ACTION: Who in your life is particularly needing your prayers today? Think of an activity you’ll do several times during your day and each time you do that activity, “say a little prayer” for that person.

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, August 26, 2018:

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Riding the Rapids

Riding the Rapids is the title of the Our Daily Bread devotional HERE. My kayaking style is definitely to go for the rapids, but only with proper preparation and a dose of caution. Maybe that’s why the article resonates so much with its description of preparations of weight distribution, detailed directions, etc..

Which detailed directions would we describe as being helpful while riding the lifetime of rapids as Christians?

Finding your community of Christian friends?

Developing a daily prayer time?

Continuing education and growing your faith?

Seeking experiences that allow for incremental strength of character and Christian witness?

May we each develop and enhance those detailed directions in our lives this day and in the days ahead…

ACTION: Ask a friend or two which “detailed directions” she/he has found most helpful in strengthening their faith? Which activities would you like to take on or enhance in the months ahead as you continue thinking about “What would Jesus have me do?”

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, August 19, 2018:

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Brighten the Corner Where You Are…

The title “Brighten the Corner Where You Are” gives a nice hint of where Ina Mae Duley Ogdon wants Christians to make a difference – right where you are! Charles Hutchinson Gabriel provides a pleasant, speedy melody to highlight the brightening aspect.

Take a listen HERE.

A mighty fine example of a person who takes this song to heart is our mom. As Krista Tippett described in the podcast referenced in the last CP post, our mom is heavily informed and yet still has plenty of joy to share where she lives.

This past week our mom had minimally-invasive heart surgery and it resulted in lots of prayers, prayerful activities and discussions. We were blessed with a wonderful, skilled group of medical professionals working with us and the surgery appears to be a complete success. Praise God, that we have this wonderful example continuing to brighten the corner where she lives.

ACTION: Consider 1-3 actions that might brighten this day for you and others in your path. Among the possibilities: 1) smile and/or wave to someone as you walk past; 2)

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, August 19, 2018:

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Don’t Let Nobody Rob You of Your Joy…

Based on the last Christian Playbook post, our good friend Joan sent along this Krista Tippett 9 minute interview as part of the OnBeing podcast. Krista mentions a regular practice of partaking of the news and at the same time limiting her exposure so the 24 hour news cycle doesn’t occupy her full-time. Otherwise it can overwhelm: “we are analog creatures in a digital world.” She also discusses embodying joy-filled and hope-filled practices as a way to balance the sobering news.

So taking a pause is important. Maybe we Christians could go so far as to say that the Spirit automatically equips us with joyful opportunity if only we’ll engage it? Those moments of silent contemplation can go a long way to helping…

ACTION: If you’re in the mood, take a listen to Paul Thorn singing Don’t Let Nobody Rob You of Your Joy. One line is “let the light of love shine in.” [Great lyrics, Paul, and a wonderful message!!!]

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, August 12, 2018:

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How Well Do You “Do Joy?”

Jesus said to them, “You cannot make wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them, can you? ~ Luke 5:34

Expressing joy is the focus of THIS 2016 DEVOTIONAL from Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago, IL. Written by Shannon J. Kershner, Pastor, it describes a challenge many have experienced on occasion in church. WHERE IS THE JOY?!?

This reflection reminds me of two books in my bookcase: Jesus, Man of Joy by Sherwood E. Wirt and The Humor of Christ by Elton Trueblood. Both books provide – as Trueblood’s subtitle suggests – “bold challenge to the traditional stereotype of a somber, gloomy Christ.” If you’re looking for some enjoyable, challenging reading, consider one of these…

May we live this day with the joy of Christ in our hearts and in our actions!

PRAYER: God, fill us with joy as though at a wedding celebration with the bride and groom. Amen

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, August 5, 2018:

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Peace on the River…

“When you pass through the waters, God will be with you” ~ Isaiah 43:2

The MWPC congregation was worshiping in great style this past Sunday. Worship leadership was heavily influenced by efforts of children/young adults who attended/led VBS. They had us singing, moving and listening (at least most of the time 🙂 )

The themes of Adventure, Acceptance, Joy, Rest and Peace fit the “rolling down the river” experiences in so many of our lives, whether we’re white water rafters, canoeists on a peaceful lake or “none of the above.” We would say that Cokesbury has a big hit in this Rolling River Rampage ( VBS program. If you have a minute, it’s well worth checking out the scripture and key messages from the 5 sessions online HERE.


  • Remember when you pass through difficult waters that God is with you. Be a reminder of that message with others who are around you today.
  • Have time to listen to the Peace Like a River song HERE?

PRAYER: Dear God, in this day help me in every way to share your love and work towards the peace that passeth all understanding. Amen

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, August 5, 2018:

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