Ubiquitous Presence of the Spirit

In the preface to her autobiography, Miriam Therese Winter shares these words:

“It has been a wholesome enterprise to gather up the fragments of my past. Not all of them, for who can do that, and who would even want to? Just a sampling of the more memorable moments that witness to the ubiquitous presence of the Spirit in my life.” – page ix

Over the next several weeks periodic CP postings will focus on songs by Miriam Therese – a.k.a. the Singing Sister. It’s inspiring to hear her take on “ubiquitous presence of the Spirit in my life” in the context of her path…wanting to be a physician with Medical Mission Sisters but being placed in a very different role.

Many of us can relate.

God, Perspective helps. In the midst of our everyday lives, help us to see with your eyes and act with your heart and head, instead of just relying on our human capacities…

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, July 2, 2017:

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Give ear, O LORD, to my prayer; listen to my cry of supplication.  In the day of my trouble I call on you, for you will answer me. – Psalm 86:6-7

Supplication is a word rarely used today, yet our cries of supplication as described in Psalm 86 are numerous. God – Help me get through this day. God – Show me the way. God – Help me be my better self in dealing with all the challenges I face.

Humble requests for support. When we make such prayers, most of us don’t anticipate a Psalm 86:7 answer from God. Instead, it’s an opportunity to focus on the issue with the aid of God-like perspective in humble recognition that it will take more than just us to reach full resolution.

ACTION: what supplication prayers can you “whisper or shoot” directly to God today?

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, June 25, 2017:

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Prayer: Quick Like An Arrow … Soft As a Whisper

This Christian Playbook post in the Prayer section discusses Nehemiah’s prayer “shot like an arrow”  and Christine’s “whisper and release” prayer. Maybe one or both of those approaches will work for you today?

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, June 25, 2017:

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Happy MaRoMo Day – Celebrating Positive Male Role Models

Happy Father’s Day.    Hmmm… while I appreciate the concept, to me this is less about celebrating men who father children and more about recognizing men who are wonderful examples to children.

So… this year I’m going with “Happy MaRoMo** Day!” to all the guys in my life. Not quite as catchy, is it?  🙂

My life blessings include a multitude of positive male role models – my dad, brothers, uncles, cousins, several other male family members, teachers, ministers, work colleagues and friends. And, thinking of good MaRoMo examples, Jesus has certainly been an important one.

What positive characteristics come to your mind when thinking of Jesus? JOY is one for me, perhaps helped along from my reading of the book JESUS Man of Joy by Sherwood E. Wirt, including this description

“Jesus smiled wider and laughed heartier than any human being who has ever walked the planet.  He was young.  He radiated good cheer.  The real Jesus was a man of such merriment, such gladness of heart, such freedom and openness, that he proved irresistible.  He became known through Galilee for his genuine strength, sparkle in His eyes, the spring in His gait, the heartiness in His laugh, the genuineness of His touch; his passion, playfulness, excitement, and vitality: His JOY!  He made a dazzling display of love.  He set hearts of fire.  He was an elated, triumphant young man with an incredible quality of life.” – – JESUS Man of Joy p.22

Wirt continues with some action-oriented thinking

“We ourselves may also express the joy of the Lord in smiles and laughter and good cheer, but those are not the only ways.  We participate in his joy through acts of worship, praise, prayer, and song, in witnessing to the saving grace of God and in helping others.”  –  – JESUS Man of Joy p.22

May each of us – male and female – find some Christ-like behaviors to model for our world on this Happy MaRoMo Day and in the years to follow…

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!


** MaRoMo (Male Role Model) 

Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, June 18, 2017:

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Securely Tied into Life!

NOTE: Many thanks to good friend Joan S. for writing the devotional below and for her thoughtful input on the questions and actions shared…


When my husband and I purchased our first pieces of upholstered furniture back in the ’80s, “better” furniture was touted as having “8-way hand tied springs.” Advertisements pictured artisans securing the furniture’s springs by hand in eight directions for optimum support. That phrase has become for me an image of those times when I have felt securely tied into life through the love, caring, and friendship of those around me.

The thing about 8-way hand-tied springs is that we don’t always think of them, yet they provide continuous, quality support. It seems to me good relationships are similar. They meet us and accept us at a deep place, well below the surface veneer and fancy upholstery with which we mask and protect our vulnerable selves. And that support helps us weather the challenges and encourages us to grow into all we are meant to be. The wondrous thing is that not only are we held securely but we, too, provide that support for others. At their core these relationships, grounded in unconditional love or what Fr. Greg Boyles calls the “no-matter-whatness of God,” require us to risk vulnerability. In return we gain relationships that bind us securely to all of life and draw us to wholeness. What a source of joy and gratitude, this gift of true relationship!

QUESTIONS: Is vulnerability encouraged in our culture?  What does it mean to be vulnerable? How does it feel to be vulnerable? Is vulnerability an essential quality of true relationship?

ACTION: “If you’d like, spend a few minutes reflecting on one or more of the following:

  1. who have been important artisans in your 8-way hand-tied support network?
    1. how did they effectively do that for you?
    2. what are the qualities in the relationship that allowed that to happen?
  2. How can you pay it forward for your own 8-way hand-tied support network?
  3. If trust and vulnerability are important qualities of supportive relationships, how are you called to respond in those situations?

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, June 18, 2017:

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“Slow down, you move too fast”

“Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” (James 1:19b NIV).

Simon & Garfunkle’s “groovy song” (as our boys used to call it) is a favorite, including this line

“Slow down, you move too fast”

Why is it that we Christians so frequently let this fast-paced life “take us for a ride?” One objective of the Christian Playbook is by making time for each playbook element, it allows for a slowing of our days with a focus on Christ-follower beliefs.

Slowing down is especially important when angry, as the Bible mentions in James 1:19 and elsewhere. In a recent daily devotions post, Rick Warren shares the message: “When You’re Angry, Slow Down and THINK” If you have a quick-lighting fuse, Rick shares some questions to consider before speaking when you’re angry.

ACTION: maybe in addition to doing the CP actions, this day will provide some time to slow down, watch the flowers growin’, stifle hurtful anger and delight more in the day?

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, June 18, 2017:

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Inspired by Saint Columba

All the Wonders** reminds us that today is the feast day of Saint Columba

Let me bless almighty God,
whose power extends over
sea and land,
whose angels watch over all.


Let me study sacred books
to calm my soul;
I pray for peace,
kneeling at heaven’s gates.


Let me do my daily work,
gathering seaweed,
catching fish,
giving food to the poor.


Let me say my daily prayers,
sometimes chanting,
sometimes quiet,
always thanking God.


Delightful it is
to live on a peaceful isle,
in a quiet cell,
serving the King of kings.

– Columba (521 – 597)
Celtic Fire: The Passionate Religious Vision of Ancient Britain and Ireland edited by Robert Van de Weyer

Who’d have thunk it – – two guys were sitting at Starbucks in Anderson Township earlier this week talking about this saint from the 6th century? At that point, we were unaware that the feast day was just a day or two away.

On a monthly basis Mark and I have been discussing Holy Companions: Spiritual Practices from the Celtic Saints by Mary C. Earle and Sylvia Maddox, focusing on a different saint each month. If you haven’t seen this Holy Companions book yet, check it out – it’s great for individual reading and/or small-group discussions!

ACTION: May our behaviors today be consistent with Saint Columba who “inspires us with a Christian vision that infuses the creativity of our human gifts with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.” Holy Companions p. 39

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!


** a newer devotional by Beth Richardson, former editor of Alive Now – check it out!

Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, June 11, 2017:

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Selah … the pause

The word Selah finds its way into the Bible in a number of places, but primarily in the Psalms. Some sources think the word was an instruction to pause before continuing with the next section, somewhat like what a rest provides in musical scores – a break from the singing/playing.

An example of Selah is HERE as part of Psalm 50. In taking that pause, we as the readers get a chance to reflect on the previous section before moving on to new ideas.

Taking Selah experiences in our daily lives can be transformative. Pausing and reflecting after key life events can help us return revitalized for whatever comes next. The Fifty Days of Easter have now passed for another year, hopefully providing new “AHA” moments about your faith.

ACTION: Take a pause, and reflect on your Easter and Pentecost experiences. Are there upcoming actions you can do based on “Spiritual stirrings?”

May Selah times find their ways into your days, helping the Spirit to move in new and wonderful ways!

Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, June 11, 2017:

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Red with the flame?

In this Pentecost-focused posting, Talitha Arnold imagines what “Jesus followers” might have been experiencing prior to Pentecost

Perhaps they kept sharing the handful of encounters with the Risen Christ some had in the beginning. … Perhaps even before the Spirit came, they remembered they were blessed. Even in their need, they would know the realm of God.

Perhaps we can remember that, too, this Pentecost Eve.

May you enjoy this Pentecost day, filled with the Spirit and fully conscious of your many blessings as a child of God!

Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, June 4, 2017:

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Pentecost Preparations

Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them “Receive the Holy Spirit…” – John 20:21-22

Have your red blouse, shirt, scarf or hat ready? Pentecost Sunday is traditionally the start of the new church year where we remember and empower the Holy Spirit in our own lives. Many churches encourage the wearing of red clothing to church as a reminder of the ever-present Spirit. On this special Sunday (and all year long!,) may we feel the Spirit moving in wonderful and new ways, allowing us to share God’s love with the entire community.

ACTION: Wind and flames are frequent physical descriptors of the Holy Spirit. Watch the wind over the next few days. Isn’t it amazing how it impacts so many things? Can you identify a “wind-like effort” you can make that might meaningfully impact one or more in your midst?

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!


Lectionary Texts for Pentecost Sunday, June 4, 2017:

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