In his book A Spirituality of Homecoming, Henri J. M. Nouwen says “Following Jesus means that we have to keep walking on the ground, keep struggling.” [if you have time, take a few minutes now and read the rest of the paragraph and following commentary HERE***]
How can each of us do some small effort to help stem the issues in our communities? Among these in our area are climate change, opioid epidemic, tempering the vitriol surrounding our politics, embracing immigrants in our country, health care, etc.
One step at a time! ACTIONS may include: smiling to the Muslim wearing a head scarf, having civil conversations even when disagreeing with another’s political views, encouraging use of a church building as host for an NA meeting and more.
Kris Kristoferson co-developed the song “One Day At A Time” in the 1970s and it’s still popular today.** A lyric in that song rings true here: “help me to be all I can be, and all that I am.” Each of us has a part to play in this world, so let’s go out and help make this a better place to live!
May the Spirit move you to walk in new and exciting ways in the upcoming days!
Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!
** in fact, friends Bill & Bill heard it on the radio on the way to getting donuts this past weekend for our men’s retreat participants!
Lectionary Texts for Sunday, October 7, 2018:
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