Drummin’ and Givin’ …

The song Little Drummer Boy shares a message about the gift to share with Jesus the Christ. HERE is a version of the song from Pentatonix.


  • What gifts can you give to yourself in 2019?
    • Maybe allowing more time for celebrating, studying and living your faith? Check out the full Christian Playbook website HERE for ideas on doing just that
    • More time for contemplation as you consider the opportunities? Consider contemplative/centering prayer ideas HERE
  • What sharing can you do with others in our world in 2019? Can a specific action go on your calendar? 🙂

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, December 30, 2018:

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Birthday Of A King…

A cherished friend of our family had the regular honor of singing Birthday Of A King during worship over the Christmas season. It was a new song to me – I’ve never heard it done in any church. It’s a mighty nice tune with a great message so certainly worthy of sharing HERE.

Merry Christmas!!! May the peace and joy of this season be with you this day and throughout the year ahead…

[The CP playlist is HERE should you want to listen to more Christmas music]

Lectionary Texts for Christmas Day 2018 (Proper I):

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Come Thou Long Expected Jesus…

This reflection (HERE) was written in 2014 so some of the historical events have to be taken in that context. The reference to our CP song of the day is embedded in these words from that commentary:

And what about us? Have we recognised Jesus as good news and accepted his authority over us? Have we forgotten the goodness of the good news? And how can we embody something of it for others?


Charles Wesley (1707-1788) weaved this prayer into his hymn ‘Come thou long-expected Jesus’: Born Your people to deliver, born a child and yet a King, born to reign in us forever, now Your gracious kingdom bring. By Your own eternal Spirit, rule in all our hearts alone; by Your all sufficient merit, raise us to Your glorious throne. Amen.

Want to hear this song in full? Check out one rendition HERE.

Born to reign in us forever…may it be so! Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, December 23, 2018:

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Pray Your Way to Christmas Peace…

Don’t we all want a little more peace during this Christmas season? In THIS WEBPOST, Bob Hostetler uses effective “Movin’ and Prayin’ ” efforts we’ve seen in the Quaker Prayer and others – palms up, palms down, etc.. – to help us towards a more peaceful season.


  • Read Bob’s webpost
  • Try out the approaches of identifying concerns, sharing those with God and emptying yourself of those so you can continue life in newness

Enjoy this Advent day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, December 23, 2018:

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Breath of Heaven …

The song Breath of Heaven is co-written by Chris Eaton and Amy Grant. It has a beautiful melody and has some wonderful lyrics including “Breath of Heaven be forever near me…”

As this songfacts webpage describes: “This Christmas song tells the nativity story from Mary’s perspective. It portrays the mother of Jesus as a frightened young girl, attempting to deal with the circumstances of giving birth to the Holy Father’s Son. Despite her human doubts, Mary’s faith in the goodness and mercy of God remain and help her deal with the unique situation she finds herself in.”

The songfacts webpage has embedded in it a chance to hear Amy Grant performing this song if you haven’t heard it before or if you want to hear it again. It’s near the right margin as a YouTube offering. You can also hear it on our Christian Playbook channel on YouTube with various Christmas songs HERE

As we enjoy this Advent season, may we continue to hear songs old and new with the wonder and joy of the Christian faith!

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, December 16, 2018:

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Be Still and Know…

Steven Curtis Chapman’s “Be Still and Know” song title contains a wonderful message, especially during a season that almost demands we not be still.  Here’s a nice rendition of that song with some great pictures

ACTION: Maybe today or tomorrow you can include some “quiet time with God,” possibly even starting with listening to Chapman’s song? 🙂

May you “be still and know” this day and throughout this blessed Christmas season…

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, December 16, 2018:

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Mary Did You Know?

A favorite part of the Christmas season for many of us is the music: Handel’s Messiah, Silent Night and the list goes on and on… Each Sunday in Advent we’ll be highlighting an Advent Song.

Mary Did You Know has become a favorite and it’s done in a different, beautiful approach by Pentatonix. It is HERE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifCWN5pJGIE) for you to listen to (and watch, if you want!)

Enjoy the day and the Advent season, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, December 9, 2018:

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A Hand Up…

Our friends at Our Daily Bread’s recently shared the A Hand Up (click HERE to read/listen). Definitely worth the 2-3 minutes of reading or listening…

ACTIONS (based on the ODB article quotes italicized below:)

  • If you find yourself “flattened on the cold ice of life’s hardships, is there a helping hand nearby? If so, it might be from God.” Maybe ask for God’s help with that hardship in prayer right now?
  • “Or when someone else needs a friend, could we be God’s answer to lift them up?” Who in your circle needs a friendly deed or word? What can you do today to help?

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, December 9, 2018:

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Music of the Season…

I truly believe that if we keep telling the Christmas story, singing the Christmas songs, and living the Christmas spirit, we can bring joy and happiness and peace to this world. ~ Norman Vincent Peale, pastor and author

Christian Playbook will be highlighting a variety of songs during this Advent season. May each bring some of the joy, happiness and peace that Rev. Peale mentions…

Want a song to review and/or sing today? Check the history and commentary of the song Star-Child HERE  and listen to an arrangement HERE

ACTION: This Youtube site link now contains several favorite Christmas songs so you can go it – no sign up necessary – to listen to some favorite songs. If you have songs to suggest, please “comment” below (along with a link if you have it) and we’ll consider adding those

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, December 9, 2018:

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Nativity scenes past and present…

Guideposts has an 8 slide presentation about nativity scenes (LINK HERE.) It’s worth the few minutes to experience this – some really beautiful artwork and wonderful historical/background explanations! On the first slide they mention:

“Tradition has it that Saint Francis of Assisi created the first crèche in 1223 when he mounted a living nativity scene…”

Those attending Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church in Cincinnati during Advent will have an opportunity to see nativities of members during coffee hour. If you get a chance, stop on by to talk with the owners about how/why they got interested! For those out of town, maybe there will be more in upcoming CP posts about this event? 🙂

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, December 2, 2018:

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