“Faith Fridays” – concluding remarks…

“Faith Fridays” in October have illuminated 4 faith definitions/commentary from Marcus Borg’s book Heart of Christianity: mental assent, commitment, buoyancy and seeing ‘what is.’

On the relational beliefs he says

“Seeing, living, trusting and centering are all related in complex ways. They are all matters of the heart, and not primarily of the head. And in our deaths, dying means trusting in the buoyancy of God, that the one who has carried us in this life is the one into whom we die.”

~ Marcus Borg in Heart of Christianity, p. 37

In his book, Borg shares the head and heart approaches to belief in wonderful ways. May this help us all as we continue our belief journeys!

In the context of all this belief commentary and thinking, this quote showed itself and seemed worth sharing here

“What would become of us if we did not obstinately cling to hope, and if our minds did not hasten along the paths lit up for us by God’s Word and Spirit right through the darkness, beyond this world?” ~ John Calvin as quoted in At the End, the Beginning, p. 90

Calvin’s quote could take us clinging to a life preserver – buoyancy. To life-giving lightness. To obstinate commitment. To minds hastening to understand.

May our hope be as “faith on tiptoe.” (attributed to C. F. D. Moule)

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

ACTIVITY: Did one type of belief resonate more than another? Care to share thoughts with the CP community? If so, email salong_now@yahoo.com…

NOTE: these quotes and comments are ‘just a shaving of taste from the major fruit’ that Borg shares in the book. If you’d like more on this, please consider buying the book… 🙂

This focus on the book The Heart of Christianity is inspired by our friend, Dean, one of the “hole-in-the-wall gang” (leftmost in picture)

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, November 3, 2019:

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Life-giving and nourishing opportunities on this “Faith Friday”…

“Faith Fridays” with commentary from Marcus Borg’s book Heart of Christianity, continues this week with another “relational belief,” Faith as Visio.

“In particular, this is faith as a way of seeing the whole, a way of seeing ‘what is.’ “

~ Marcus Borg in Heart of Christianity, p. 34

Borg credits H. Richard Niebuhr for the germ of this understanding and the importance of shaping how we respond to life based on how we see “what is.”

Borg describes three ways of seeing the whole: 1) hostile and threatening, 2) indifferent and 3) life-giving and nourishing. He goes on to describe benefits for those with life-giving and nourishing “what is” perspectives including this line

“It generates a ‘willingness to spend and be spent’ for the sake of a vision that goes beyond ourselves.”  ~ Marcus Borg in Heart of Christianity, p. 35

Borg mentions that fiducia and visio are closely related: “What it (visio) adds, though, is that how we see reality and our ability to trust are connected to each other.”

A MINUTE FOR YOUR THOUGHTS: On this day, how do you see the whole? Hostile and threatening? Indifferent? Life-giving and nourishing?

God, on this day, help us to shape our vision of “what is” based on praise for your Creation in the midst of some mighty challenges to our faith at times. Amen.

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

NOTE: these quotes and comments are ‘just a shaving of taste from the major fruit’ that Borg shares in the book. If you’d like more on this, please consider buying the book… 🙂

This focus on the book The Heart of Christianity is inspired by our friend, Dean, one of the “hole-in-the-wall gang” (leftmost in picture)

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, October 27, 2019:

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Walking backward…

Walking backward. Hmmm… Brings Michael Jackson to mind with the Moonwalk (HERE.) And Abraham Lincoln as a young man walking back about half a mile (though probably not backwards) to help a pig.

This story from Our Daily Bread highlights another famous person with a different type of walking backward. The full article is well worth the read. This quote from the article

“A life that runs counter to the norm is inevitable for those who would truly imitate Jesus.”

is a good reminder for those of us who sometimes feel compelled to act just like everyone else when deep-down it just doesn’t feel right.

Sometimes it is just plain necessary to do some walking backwards…

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

The “Jesus Christ lizard” appears to walk on water (but, alas, not backwards…)

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, October 27, 2019:

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Will You Come And Follow Me…

Commitment. We read about it on Faith Friday and the song “Will You Come and Follow Me” does a nice job of expressing in Celtic style what is involved. A version of the song is HERE.

The Summons is another naming of this song and to learn more about the song’s roots, click HERE. Heeding these words from the song allows some of the justice and radical centeredness in God to come through in our lives.

POSSIBLE ACTION: experience the song using the YouTube link above. While doing so, notice the various ways the song moves you in lyrics, melody, voices, daffodils, ‘strolling the lane’ and more. Allow yourself a few moments afterwards to let it soak in fully.

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, October 20, 2019:

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Commitment on this “Faith Friday”…

We continue “Faith Fridays” using commentary from Marcus Borg’s book Heart of Christianity. We continue “relational beliefs” this week with fidelitas.

“Faith as fidelity means loyalty, allegiance, the commitment of the self at its deepest level, the commitment of the ‘heart.’ ”

~ Marcus Borg in Heart of Christianity, p. 32

This commitment and allegiance seems mighty hard at times. A few years back a small group of us started work on centering prayer. The idea of spending 30 minutes in prayer on a daily basis is a mighty big commitment. Still seems that way, though it’s nice to have goals…  🙂

Attentiveness. That’s where Borg takes us on this faithfulness journey. Now THAT most of us can handle! 🙂 He says

“We are attentive through the simple means of worship, prayer, practice and a life of compassion and justice. To be faithful to God means not only to love God, but to love that which God loves – namely, the neighbor, and indeed the whole of creation.” ~ Marcus Borg in Heart of Christianity, p. 33-34

ACTIVITY: What are ways you can show fidelity faith on this day? Time to do it !!?!!

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

NOTE: these quotes and comments are ‘just a shaving of taste from the major fruit’ that Borg shares in the book. If you’d like more on this, please consider buying the book… 🙂

This focus on the book The Heart of Christianity is inspired by our friend, Dean, one of the “hole-in-the-wall gang” (leftmost in picture)

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, October 20, 2019:

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Did the title surprise you? Up here in Canada, for most folks today provides a day off of work and to celebrate family.

Lectionary for this day is filled with praise.

“Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth.” ~ Psalm 100:1

Don’t you love the Psalm 100 and Philippeans 4 readings, among the others? Good perspective.

The fact is…every day can be a Happy Thanksgiving day, right? Anne Lamott’s book Help, Thanks, Wow is a nice reminder of our opportunity for gratitude many moments each day.

Have a great day, filled with the Spirit

Lectionary Texts for Monday, October 14, 2019:

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Buoyancy on this “Faith Friday”…

We continue with “Faith Fridays” using commentary from Marcus Borg’s book Heart of Christianity. We move to relational beliefs with the first being fiducia. Borg shares this best English translation: fiducia is faith as “trust,” as radical trust in God.

He goes on to this commentary, attributing the metaphor to Kierkegaard

“Faith as trust is trusting in the buoyancy of God. Faith is trusting in the sea of being in which we live and move and have our being.”

~ Marcus Borg in Heart of Christianity, p. 31

When learning to swim – or getting into the water after not swimming for a while – there can be that momentary uncertainty: will I still float? That same feeling can come over us in the tough times in life too. Fiducia faith provides us the calm and peace that passeth all understanding.

So, when the next feeling or worry hits, maybe it’s time to “chin up, inhale deeply” and float into the buoyancy of God? 

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!


NOTE: these quotes and comments are ‘just a shaving of taste from the major fruit’ that Borg shares in the book. If you’d like more on this, please consider buying the book… 🙂

This focus on the book The Heart of Christianity is inspired by our friend, Dean, one of the “hole-in-the-wall gang” (leftmost in picture)

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, October 13, 2019:

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Just Be There…

What will we say? This can be one of  the biggest challenges when visiting someone experiencing loss. In this posting, Pastor Roger Greene discusses the topic and provides a comforting commentary…Just Be There.

Roger ends with this line “Remember that God is with you in your struggles, and I pray that God will take you to someone who needs to know the same.”

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit (and a willingness to Just Be There!)

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, October 13, 2019:

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“Faith Fridays” for October…

October Fridays in the Christian Playbook will focus on four meanings of Faith using commentary from Marcus Borg’s book Heart of Christianity.

“Faith is at the heart of Christianity. Its centrality goes back to the New Testament. All but two of its twenty-seven books use the noun ‘faith’ or the verb ‘believe.’ ”

~ Marcus Borg in Heart of Christianity, p. 27

Borg mentions that of the four meanings of faith, only one is a “matter of the head” and that one – Faith as Assensus – is more recent. He says assensus is “faith as belief – that is, as giving one’s mental assent to a proposition, as believing that a claim or statement is true.”

He cites two developments that account for assensus’ dominance in modern Western Christianity today: 1) the Protestant Reformation, with each branch distinguishing itself by what they ‘believed’ and 2) “the birth of modern science and scientific ways of knowing in the Enlightenment of the seventeenth century.”

For many of us, faith as assensus is foundational. Yet, could this very aspect of faith may be one of the biggest obstacles to faith for younger generations? Here are a few comments Borg makes in the book:

  • “…faith is what you need when beliefs and knowledge conflict.” (p. 29)
  • “It’s remarkable to think that God cares so much about ‘beliefs.’ ” (p. 30)
  • “Believing a set of claims to be true has very little transforming power.” (p. 31)

POSSIBLE ACTION/CONVERSATION: think about this form of faith. How much of your faith in God is assensus? Consider discussing this with someone if an opportunity arises in the days ahead…

NOTE: these quotes and comments are ‘just a shaving of taste from the major fruit’ that Borg shares in the book. If you’d like more on this, please consider buying the book… 🙂

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

This focus on the book “The Heart of Christianity” is inspired by our friend, Dean, one of the hole-in-the-wall gang (leftmost in picture)

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, October 6, 2019:

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