Listen to Me (Jesus Calling)

If you’re like me, one devotional book just isn’t enough – I crave variety and can bore quickly when reading only one specific style. Jesus Calling is a favorite devotional. The passages are written as though coming directly from Jesus.

“… Listen to Me! Tune out other voices so that you can hear Me more clearly. I designed you to dwell in Peace all day, every day. Draw near to Me; receive My Peace.”

– – March 31st devotional of Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

This makes me smile. It reminds me of our Centering Prayer group and what we’re aspiring to do…

ACTION: If you have a few minutes today, find a quiet place, sit calmly and enjoy time with God with no words necessary.

May you enjoy this day, drawing nearer to Jesus every step of the way!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, April 2, 2017:

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