“Ripening with Age”…

This autumn season can bring visual reminders of “ripening changes” galore. Deciduous trees. Ripening apples. Pumpkins patches. More, much more.

The weekly summary of CAC postings HERE provides some wonderful “Ripening with Age” commentaries. Perhaps one of the daily articles by Richard Rohr, Joan Chittister, Kathleen Dowling Singh  or James Finley will capture your attention for some reading?

May you enjoy this day – “ripe for the picking” – while filled with the Spirit

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, October 22, 2023:

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: This season will likely find increasing numbers of folks looking for food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about upcoming opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to help with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items
  • accept a Call to Action item from Season of Peace devotional posting

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

Know someone who might like receiving Christian Playbook messages like this?  If so, please forward this message and they can sign up WITH THIS LINK

CHRISTIAN PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically

Click on the cartoon above to visit toonfever.com!

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


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SONG: Canticle of Creatures by St. Francis…

The song Canticle of Creatures seems a valuable follow-up to the CP Climate Caregivers post focusing on Pope Francis**. It’s worth the 5 minute listen HERE, especially with the lyrics on the screen (Umbrian + English).

Curious for more about this, a web search reveals the Canticle of the Creatures description HERE from Franciscan Seculars website including:

For Francis, as God is Our Father, he saw family relationships within all Creation. Birds, fire and wind are brothers. The moon, stars and water are sisters and our planet Earth who nourishes us is Mother. Creation is nature viewed with The Creator in mind, creation is fullness, life and community. Creation becomes fraternity.

Perhaps the Pope’s urgings become even more compelling taken with this Franciscan, family-focused viewpoint?

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

** CP reader Andy shares the link HERE as follow-up, should you want more on Laudate Deum – thanks Andy!

P.S. A little humor, for those interested Made in God’s Own Image (Calvin & Hobbes)

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, October 22, 2023:

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: This season will likely find increasing numbers of folks looking for food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about upcoming opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to help with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

Know someone who might like receiving Christian Playbook messages like this?  If so, please forward this message and they can sign up WITH THIS LINK

CHRISTIAN PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically

Click on the cartoon above to visit toonfever.com!

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


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Climate Caregivers – warning and inspiration from Pope Francis…

Pope Francis helps us build on the “A Healthy Church Needs a Healthy Planet…” theme. As highlighted by David Gelles in the New York Times on October 5, 2023, the Pope has issued “Laudate Deum” and it’s quite a warning.

That NYT article quotes various aspects of the Pope’s commentary, including his taking aim at several groups:

“If we consider that emissions per individual in the United States are about two times greater than those of individuals living in China, and about seven times greater than the average of the poorest countries, we can state that a broad change in the irresponsible lifestyle connected with the Western model would have a significant long-term impact.” ~ Pope Francis in Laudate Deum

Gelles mentions:

“In clear, precise language, the pope identifies the burning of fossil fuels as the primary driver of climate change, details the effect on the planet and people, dismisses those who deny the crisis, and accuses wealthy individuals, corporations and countries of selfishly turning a blind eye.” ~ 10/5/2023 NYT article by David Gelles

Pope Francis then shares a positive note about our individual opportunities

Efforts by households to reduce pollution and waste, and to consume with prudence, are creating a new culture. The mere fact that personal, family and community habits are changing is contributing to greater concern about the unfulfilled responsibilities of the political sectors and indignation at the lack of interest shown by the powerful. Let us realize, then, that even though this does not immediately produce a notable effect from the quantitative standpoint, we are helping to bring about large processes of transformation rising from deep within society.~ Pope Francis in Laudate Deum (71.)


  • The Pope encourages leaders of all faiths to make similar requests of households in their faith communities. Do the Pope’s words resonate with you?
  • As follow-up to previous posts on this topic area…
    • Any success with “consider alternatives to individual gas-powered vehicles like public transportation, walking, biking, or carpooling?”
    • Any “Actions You Can Take Towards Sustainability” from the last page of THIS?

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, October 15, 2023:

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: This season will likely find increasing numbers of folks looking for food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about upcoming opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to help with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

Know someone who might like receiving Christian Playbook messages like this?  If so, please forward this message and they can sign up WITH THIS LINK

CHRISTIAN PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically

Click on the cartoon above to visit toonfever.com!

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all celebrating in Canada this fine day!
The verses from the Lectionary seem a fitting CP posting:
2 Corinthians 9:6-15
9:6 The point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.

9:7 Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

9:8 And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.

9:9 As it is written, “He scatters abroad, he gives to the poor; his righteousness endures forever.”

9:10 He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.

9:11 You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us;

9:12 for the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows with many thanksgivings to God.

9:13 Through the testing of this ministry you glorify God by your obedience to the confession of the gospel of Christ and by the generosity of your sharing with them and with all others,

9:14 while they long for you and pray for you because of the surpassing grace of God that he has given you.

9:15 Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

Thanks be to God…enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, October 15, 2023:

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: This season will likely find increasing numbers of folks looking for food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about upcoming opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to help with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

Know someone who might like receiving Christian Playbook messages like this?  If so, please forward this message and they can sign up WITH THIS LINK

CHRISTIAN PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically

Click on the cartoon above to visit toonfever.com!

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


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The Spinning Wheel of Success

“It’s just the way things are: shallow––self-centered—and exhausted—by wanting more and more and more. We are part of the great public dance called the national economy. We are totally consumed trying to keep up with all the other publicity seekers around us.” ~ Joan Chittister HERE
The Spinning Wheel of Success. In these days, who among us hasn’t been caught up in that at some point? Joan Chittister shares some wonderful perspective HERE along these lines, including the quote above and this one:
Amma Syncletica said, “Just as a treasure exposed is quickly spent, so also any virtue which becomes famous or well-publicized vanishes. Just as wax is quickly melted by fire, so the soul is emptied by praise and loses firmness of virtue.”
When we get a little too puffed up, help can come from heeding centuries-old wisdom from Amma and/or more recent commentary from Richard Rohr – “I have prayed for years for one good humiliation a day…”   🙂
May your day involve spinning of the Spirit…filling of the soul…  

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, October 8, 2023:

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: This season will likely find increasing numbers of folks looking for food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about upcoming opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to help with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

Know someone who might like receiving Christian Playbook messages like this?  If so, please forward this message and they can sign up WITH THIS LINK

CHRISTIAN PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically

Including Creation (according to Non Sequitur) …  plus toonfever like this one:

Click on the cartoon above to visit toonfever.com!

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


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Inspiring Quotes…

Have you heard or read an inspiring quote recently? It seems like a new periodic CP post is worth pursuing based on the number of fantastic quotes out there. Here are a few:

“There’s an old expression: ‘God never wastes pain.’ I can see now, years down the road, how true that was for me. My trauma was the soil from which something beautiful would grow; I simply had to trust, wait and keep responding to life with hope.” ~ Mallory Weggemann, swimmer and five-time Paralympic medalist, as quoted in Guideposts Oct/Nov 2023 edition

“Every melody declares to us that the past can be there without being remembered, the future without being foreknown.” ~   Victor Zuckerkandl, “philosopher of music” quoted by Rabbi Sacks in The Spirituality of Song HA’AZINU

“You can’t change the past, and you can’t predict the future, but you can ruin the present by worrying about both.” ~ Noa Shaw, author of Stop Thinking Thoughts That Scare You

Have some quotes that resonate for you, including some attributable to you? Please send them along to salong_now @ yahoo.com [without the spaces before and after the @ sign 🙂 ] and we’ll plan to use them in future postings.

May your day involve Spirit spurring events and quotes…

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, October 8, 2023:

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: This season will likely find increasing numbers of folks looking for food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about upcoming opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to help with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items
  • accept a Call to Action item from Season of Peace devotional posting

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

Know someone who might like receiving Christian Playbook messages like this?  If so, please forward this message and they can sign up WITH THIS LINK

CHRISTIAN PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically

Including Creation (according to Non Sequitur) …  plus toonfever like this one:

Click on the cartoon above to visit toonfever.com!

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


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Peace Requires Food Security

Peace Requires Food Security was a recent posting from the PCUSA Peace & Global Witness group (click HERE to read the full post). The author, Laura Mariko Cheifetz, mentions:

Whether they’re unable to gain access to fresh healthy food by virtue of location (food deserts) or lack of means (food is unaffordable), people are unable to meet a basic need. We often expect all people to behave a certain way in society, but it’s cruel to expect hungry people to engage productively in their families and communities.

Lest we question the truth of this cruelty mentioned above, all we must do is try a 24 hour food fast ourselves. Have you done one? For most of us, by hour 16 (or sooner) we’re already experiencing fatigue, loss of attention and more. And we usually know EXACTLY where/when our next meal will be available!

More must be done, especially for the children of our world.

Last night was a fundraiser for Whole Again, a program in the Cincinnati, Ohio area focusing on alleviating childhood hunger. When over 1 in every 4 children in this seemingly prosperous region are suffering from food insecurity, there’s a problem – – one we’ll hope these funds and efforts resulting from last night will help solve.

Whether with Whole Again, a Call to Action item from Laura’s posting or an idea listed below in the POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY section, please consider sharing even more of your financial, physical or spiritual support to help nourish Peace for those finding challenges with food.

May your day be filled with the stirring of the Spirit… 

Hummingbird fleeing the feeding scene (bottom left)

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, October 1, 2023:

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: This season will likely find increasing numbers of folks looking for food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about upcoming opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to help with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items
  • accept a Call to Action item from Season of Peace devotional posting

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

Know someone who might like receiving Christian Playbook messages like this?  If so, please forward this message and they can sign up WITH THIS LINK

CHRISTIAN PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically

Including Creation (according to Non Sequitur) …  plus toonfever like this one:

Click on the cartoon above to visit toonfever.com!

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


DevotionalPraying handsSingendes Quartett3StudyMobius strip

Ever Eat a Pine Tree?

Does the idea of a “silent retreat” appeal to you about as much as eating a pine tree? (cue this Euell Gibbons moment)
Perhaps recasting this as Spending the Day with God makes it more palatable? 🙂
If you’d ever want to consider such an endeavor, the page HERE in the Christian Playbook may help. It shares adaptations to the silent retreat model along with supportive perspectives from 4 sources.
One cool satori based on some of these sources? Christian Playbook principles and topics cover many of the elements in such retreats.
May this day be filled with the Spirit (and maybe a mini silent retreat?)

Hummingbird fleeing the feeding scene (bottom left)

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, September 24, 2023:

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: This season will likely find increasing numbers of folks looking for food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about upcoming opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to help with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

Know someone who might like receiving Christian Playbook messages like this?  If so, please forward this message and they can sign up WITH THIS LINK

CHRISTIAN PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically

Including Creation (according to Non Sequitur) …  plus toonfever like this one:

Click on the cartoon above to visit toonfever.com!

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


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No Longer Slaves (continued)…

Don’t you just love it when God’s synchronicity comes into life?
No sooner than yesterday’s CP post with the “Let Go and Let God” message had gone out, what should arrive in the email inbox? This Let Go post from Our Daily Bread, including this line in the context of Psalm 46:  
Israel was not being told to be passive or complacent but to be actively still—to obey God faithfully while yielding control of the situation and leaving the results of their efforts to Him.
As we go about this day, may we find opportunities to be actively still, allowing the Spirit to move through us…
In case you missed it – or want to see it in the context of the Our Daily Bread post above – here is yesterday’s posting
The song No Longer Slaves (HERE) shares this message:
“I’m No Longer a Slave to Fear…I Am a Child of God”
Show of hands – how many feel this way?
What a powerful statement, if only we could embody it in our lives!
It’s difficult NOT to be fearful given specifics in our individual lives and world situations – – health challenges; death of loved ones; financial challenges; justice issues; racial inequity; climate destabilization and weather-related devastation of life (hurricanes, fires, typhoons, floods, …); and/or ____________ (fill in the blank)
The point in the song’s lyric is we need not be SLAVES to this fear. Along these lines, a popular phrase that resonates for some is “Let Go and Let God.”
Adopting that phrase doesn’t necessary allow flat-out ignoring the issue. Instead, it can provide opportunity to recognize the situation, allow Spirit’s stirring, act as “directed” and then LET GO of the slavery that can endure if we’re not careful!
So on this glorious day, may we be freed from fear’s slavery and filled with the Spirit amid full recognition we’re Children of God!

**Interested in other songs to remind you that God has plans? Check out this list HERE

P.S. CP contributor Toni notes regarding Psalmtember: “it’s the reading and the meditation that count!!” That said, the picture accompanying her commentary is powerful too…

unrecognizable man with bulb against sundown sky
Photo by Clement Eastwood on Pexels.com

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, September 17, 2023:

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: This season will likely find increasing numbers of folks looking for food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about upcoming opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to help with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

Know someone who might like receiving Christian Playbook messages like this?  If so, please forward this message and they can sign up WITH THIS LINK

CHRISTIAN PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically

Including Creation (according to Non Sequitur) …  plus toonfever like this one:

Click on the cartoon above to visit toonfever.com!

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


DevotionalPraying handsSingendes Quartett3StudyMobius strip

SONG: No Longer Slaves…

The song No Longer Slaves (HERE) shares this message:
“I’m No Longer a Slave to Fear…I Am a Child of God”
Show of hands – how many feel this way?
What a powerful statement, if only we could embody it in our lives!
It’s difficult NOT to be fearful given specifics in our individual lives and world situations – – health challenges; death of loved ones; financial challenges; justice issues; racial inequity; climate destabilization and weather-related devastation of life (hurricanes, fires, typhoons, floods, …); and/or ____________ (fill in the blank)
The point in the song’s lyric is we need not be SLAVES to this fear. Along these lines, a popular phrase that resonates for some is “Let Go and Let God.”
Adopting that phrase doesn’t necessary allow flat-out ignoring the issue. Instead, it can provide opportunity to recognize the situation, allow Spirit’s stirring, act as “directed” and then LET GO of the slavery that can endure if we’re not careful!
So on this glorious day, may we be freed from fear’s slavery and filled with the Spirit amid full recognition we’re Children of God!

**Interested in other songs to remind you that God has plans? Check out this list HERE

P.S. CP contributor Toni notes regarding Psalmtember: “it’s the reading and the meditation that count!!” That said, the picture accompanying her commentary is powerful too…

unrecognizable man with bulb against sundown sky
Photo by Clement Eastwood on Pexels.com

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, September 17, 2023:

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: This season will likely find increasing numbers of folks looking for food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about upcoming opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to help with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

Know someone who might like receiving Christian Playbook messages like this?  If so, please forward this message and they can sign up WITH THIS LINK

CHRISTIAN PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically

Including Creation (according to Non Sequitur) …  plus toonfever like this one:

Click on the cartoon above to visit toonfever.com!

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


DevotionalPraying handsSingendes Quartett3StudyMobius strip