SONG: Adeste, fideles

Do the Latin words in the post title immediately bring to mind the English name of today’s song?

When thinking about a song about faithfulness, this hymn quickly comes to mind with its familiar chorus…

O come, all ye faithful,
joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye, to Bethlehem;
Come and behold him,
Born the King of angels;
O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.

The United Methodist (UMC) webpage HERE tells of a lengthy collaboration on this song across several decades. Talk about being faithful to the story!  That website also describes the ways we sing and/or experience this song in each verse. Fabulous information – thanks UMC!

Ready to listen to the song? One version is HERE.

O come, all ye faithful – – enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, December 15, 2024:

Know someone who might like receiving messages like this?**  If so, forward this message to them and they can sign up HERE

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: This season will likely find increasing numbers of folks looking for food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about upcoming opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to help with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items
  • accept a Call to Action item from Season of Peace devotional posting

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

DISCIPLE PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically. Included now is a grin-inducing New Bible Reading Plan (Pearls Before Swine)

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


DevotionalPraying handsSingendes Quartett3StudyMobius strip

SONG: All is Well …

Are Christmas songs putting you in the mood for the holiday? For many of us, this Christmas season brings anything but peace.

This Guideposts article discusses how the author found peace in an unlikely Christmas song. That song – All is Well (sung in this link by Carrie Underwood and Michael W. Smith) – has a beautiful melody and the “all is well” message can promote calm in the midst of stress.

Highlighting “Christmas songs” will continue for the next few weeks.  For many of us, these songs help settle us into the season and also evoke important emotions.

POSSIBLE ACTIONS: think of a favorite Christmas song…

  • search for that song on the internet using the song title plus “youtube” -> it’ll likely bring up several versions that may prompt your listening enjoyment
  • consider sending along that favorite song (and any memories and/or commentary you might share) to salong_now @  -> perhaps that will prompt a CP posting about that song during this or a future Christmas season? 🙂

Or maybe you’ll want to “prime the pump” by checking out the Christmas Music – Disciple Playbook playlist HERE?

Whatever you do, may it involve enjoyment of this Advent day, filled with the Spirit!

All is Well…

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, December 15, 2024:

Know someone who might like receiving messages like this?**  If so, forward this message to them and they can sign up HERE

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: This season will likely find increasing numbers of folks looking for food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about upcoming opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to help with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items
  • accept a Call to Action item from Season of Peace devotional posting

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

DISCIPLE PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically. Included now is a grin-inducing New Bible Reading Plan (Pearls Before Swine)

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


DevotionalPraying handsSingendes Quartett3StudyMobius strip

Gratitude in the midst of shadows…

In tumultuous times, Diana Butler Bass provides “A Word of Hope” HERE.

We need this now, just as we needed it during the confluence of 2020 pandemics and two years prior when she wrote the post. One key message that Diane points out:

“… Well, we’re not thankful for any of this. 

Instead, we can be thankful through it…”

Diana goes on to share some commentary about what we can do in the midst of challenging times. Finding effective ways to strengthen our inner selves and share our outer selves is important.

Great is God’s faithfulness. Just typing the words brings back memories of the song and an inner stirring in hearing it sung in a slightly different way

May we all find ways to be grateful for the day, filled with the Spirit!

“A Prayer: I want to change. I want the world to change. Fear and division exhausts me. Exhausts us. We cannot live this way. Make me an instrument of gratefulness. Guide me to the way of mercy and love that leads to peace; That I may guide others to abundant life. For the sake of healing my own heart and healing the world.” ~ Diana Butler Bass

P.S. Thanks to Forward Day By Day for their post HERE that helped prompt this posting

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, November 24, 2024:

Know someone who might like receiving messages like this?**  If so, forward this message to them and they can sign up HERE

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: This season will likely find increasing numbers of folks looking for food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about upcoming opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to help with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items
  • accept a Call to Action item from Season of Peace devotional posting

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

DISCIPLE PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically. Included now is a grin-inducing New Bible Reading Plan (Pearls Before Swine)

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


DevotionalPraying handsSingendes Quartett3StudyMobius strip

Veteran’s Day traditional posting …

On Veteran’s Day, it’s a Playbook tradition to review pictures of family veterans in uniform…

Does one look a little “out of place?”

Brother Andy was stationed in the country of Togo, West Africa in the Peace Corps in the mid/late 1980s. Why make that choice? He and so many other veterans have shared the love of the American people worldwide by “working side by side with local leaders to tackle the most pressing challenges of our generation” ~ (taken from the Peace Corps mission statement)

Isaiah 2:4 mentions “beating our swords into plowshares.” In Togo, they did that quite literally by instructing the people to plow with oxen (in addition to teaching them math, English and engaging in many other worthwhile activities!) Whatever the role, it is tough work for the Peace Corps volunteer and the people in-country they work with daily. The result? Even 30+ years later, these Peace Corps volunteers are recognized and welcomed with open arms (I had the pleasure of experiencing these greetings first-hand in 2009 – – many Togolese thought I was my brother! )

We are blessed to have people willing to serve in such ways in the Peace Corps!

Could we say a lot about the blessing of what our military personnel have done for us, including Uncles Jack and Fred (pictured above?) Absolutely! Yet, it’s likely you’ll get a chance to read a lot more about military folks, so we’ll leave it here for today.

ACTION: Let’s honor and remember our veterans today in one or more ways such as

  • trip to a park or cemetery where a veteran’s memorial exists
  • attending area events honoring veterans – men, women and more (animals in K9 corps and others)
  • watching a show in a war setting
  • watching videos of Peace Corps volunteers sharing experiences HERE

PRAYER: God, we are blessed to have military veterans and currently-serving personnel who hopefully ultimately have made and are making our world a more peaceful place. We are equally blessed to have Peace Corps veterans and volunteers working for a more peaceful world. We remember and honor their efforts and sacrifices for such peaceful long-term priorities. Strengthen and support all of them – and us – in our roles of becoming better peace-makers worldwide! Amen.

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, November 17, 2024:

Know someone who might like receiving messages like this?**  If so, forward this message to them and they can sign up HERE

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: This season will likely find increasing numbers of folks looking for food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about upcoming opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to help with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items
  • accept a Call to Action item from Season of Peace devotional posting

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

DISCIPLE PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically. Included now is a grin-inducing New Bible Reading Plan (Pearls Before Swine)

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


DevotionalPraying handsSingendes Quartett3StudyMobius strip

Who are your influences?

Have you spent time lately reflecting on those individuals who have been particularly important influences in your life, and how they live on in you?

Maybe today is the day for such an activity? It’s a wonderful exercise! [for those in the U.S., we get an extra hour for such activity with “fall back” in Daylight Savings time! 🙂 ]

In this “All Saints Day season,” encouragement for such reflection is reinforced in worship, scripture, devotionals and more. Particularly powerful is this from Henri Nouwen – “Turn Your Mourning Into Dancing” – including these inspiring sentences: 

“In their absence we can develop a new intimacy with them and grow. We even can become more like them and fulfill their mission in life until the day comes that we too have to leave so that our spirit can stay with those we love. In this way mourning can slowly turn into joy, and grief into rebirth.”

And lest such a season lead to sad thoughts … let’s schedule gatherings with those loved ones still living. Who knows what will result in such times? Perhaps some new “spirit can stay” times for us and/or them…

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit !

P.S. for those from the MWPC community, some reminders of dear influences like Lee Davis, Dick Yund, Cliff Reeder and Jane Wiseman are links HERE

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, November 3, 2024:

Know someone who might like receiving messages like this?**  If so, please forward this message to them and let them know they can sign up HERE

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: These times will likely find large numbers of families looking for nutritious food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to assist with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items
  • TAKE ACTION using an item from this Season of Peace devotional posting

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

DISCIPLE PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically. 

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


DevotionalPraying handsSingendes Quartett3StudyMobius strip

Thanks for being a True Friend…

The recent Henri Nouwen website devotional “Be a Real Friend,” is powerful and we encourage you to read it HERE. It includes these beautiful sentences: 

“In this sense, true friendships continue beyond the boundary of death. When you have loved deeply that love can grow even stronger after the death of the person you love. This is the core message of Jesus.”

What a blessing that so many of our Playbook readers past and present qualify as True Friends. We cherish the times together, and know that when one of us passes… “Those you have loved deeply and who have died live on in you, not just as memories but as real presences.”

Perhaps today or in the days ahead, you’ll find time to write to a True Friend, whether still living or one who has passed. Tell them a little about why they’ve meant so much and perhaps an example or two of how they live on in you… You’ll be better for the experience.

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit !

P.S. Thanks to each of you who have been True Friends … we’ll count on the fact, as Nouwen says, that we will be treasuring our love and friendships for eternity! 

True Friends come in many shapes, sizes, ages … 🙂

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, October 27, 2024:

Know someone who might like receiving messages like this?**  If so, please forward this message to them and let them know they can sign up HERE

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: These times will likely find large numbers of families looking for nutritious food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to assist with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items
  • TAKE ACTION using an item from this Season of Peace devotional posting

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

DISCIPLE PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically. 

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


DevotionalPraying handsSingendes Quartett3StudyMobius strip

“Resign as general manager of the universe…”

It’s been a pleasure to begin understanding the Jewish faith more completely while reading the book Here All Along with a friend. The author, Sarah Hurwitz, writes really well and makes the material more accessible to the layperson.

In talking about Rosh Hashanah (which starts this Wednesday, by the way,) Sarah addresses worry

I instead tend to think that I can prevent misfortune by worrying a lot about it in advance.

Do you fit this approach?

Many of us have found life success by attempting to be well-prepared for surprises. That we might do this for others as well can become all-consuming if we’re not careful. That’s where today’s “headline” comes in… perhaps it’s time to “Resign as general manager of the universe…” **

Yet, perhaps these “worries expressed” can also be an approach for prayer? Some worriers we know share their concerns with God and then take action in the form of writing a card/text, extending social invitations, scheming with others on positive next steps, placing a phone call, etc..

May we all do our part to make this global community better, without feeling the need to become general manager…

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit !

** Sarah attributes this quote to Methodist pastor Larry Eisenberg

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, October 6, 2024:

Know someone who might like receiving messages like this?**  If so, please forward this message to them and let them know they can sign up HERE

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: These times will likely find large numbers of families looking for nutritious food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to assist with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items
  • TAKE ACTION using an item from this Season of Peace devotional posting

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

DISCIPLE PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically. 

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


DevotionalPraying handsSingendes Quartett3StudyMobius strip

Show Up For Reality Just As It Is…

The CAC posting HERE provides some wonderful stirring in the midst of our chaotic worlds. While each travels this world uniquely, Mirabai Starr writes about mysticism we can experience in the “monasteries” of our everyday lives:

When you say yes to cultivating a mystical gaze, the ordinary world becomes more luminous, imbued with flashes of beauty and moments of meaning. The universe responds to your willingness to behold the holy by revealing almost everything as holy. A plate of rice and beans, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, your new baby, the latest political scoundrel, the scary diagnosis, the restless nights.

Hmmm… how can we receive these flashes of beauty and moments of meaning?

POSSIBLE ACTIONS… (as Mirabai Starr mentions HERE:)

  • “Set your intention to uncover the jewels buried in the heart of what already is. Choose to see the face of God in the face of the bus driver and the moody teenager, in peeling a tangerine or feeding the cat….
  • Open your heart, and then do everything you can to keep it open. Light every candle in the room….”

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit !

P.S. Any “Peace Day” AHAs you care to share? ( salong_now @ )

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, September 29, 2024:

Know someone who might like receiving messages like this?**  If so, please forward this message to them and let them know they can sign up HERE

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: These times will likely find large numbers of families looking for nutritious food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to assist with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items
  • TAKE ACTION using an item from this Season of Peace devotional posting

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

DISCIPLE PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically. 

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


DevotionalPraying handsSingendes Quartett3StudyMobius strip

May Peace Prevail On Earth…

Today is the U.N. International Day of Peace. May world leaders feel the power of our prayers for peace in the midst of these troubling times…

Such a day is a reminder of the song Let There Be Peace on Earth and its hopeful and empowering message (details on the song HERE). Want to hear it performed by the International Children’s Choir? It is HERE for free listening.

POSSIBLE ACTIONS: Have time to engage intentionally in one or more supportive peace act?

  • Perhaps set your alarm for noon today and observe a minute of silence along with many others around the world
  • Include in your prayers our world leaders, that they might find the strength and feel the support for peaceful actions with a goal: “may peace prevail on earth!”
  • Listen to the BeThePeace Guided Visualization towards the bottom of THIS PAGE
  • Many more ideas and/or activities are listed HERE

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit !

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, September 22, 2024:

Know someone who might like receiving messages like this?**  If so, please forward this message to them and let them know they can sign up HERE

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: These times will likely find large numbers of families looking for nutritious food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to assist with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items
  • accept a Call to Action item from Season of Peace devotional posting

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

DISCIPLE PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically. 

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


DevotionalPraying handsSingendes Quartett3StudyMobius strip

All Shall Be Well … Julian of Norwich is not joking!

Before launching into this first Disciple Playbook post, let me say

  • “many thanks” to those who responded favorably to the idea of continuing posts from a renamed and refocused Disciple Playbook.
  • taking a sabbatical from regular postings for the past several months has been helpful. The struggles of a life-long Christian to be somewhat divorced from that word is substantial. So it is with certain monikers that define us at certain times that go away because we do, or because the contemporary wording takes on new meaning…

The good news in such spiritual struggles and many others?

“All Shall Be Well” according to our Disciple friend, Julian of Norwich! 

As this CAC posting suggests, 14th and 15th century times of Julian brought challenges to believers then as our times do now. Yet, in spite of substantial challenges, English poet and author Ann Lewin points to Julian’s trust in God for encouragement:

[God] did not say: You will not be assailed, you will not be belabored, you will not be disquieted, but he said: You will not be overcome. God wants us to pay attention to his words and always to be strong in our certainty, in well-being and in woe, for he loves us and delights in us, and so he wishes us to love him and delight in him and trust greatly in him, and all will be well. [3] 

During our teeth-gritting times, perhaps we can recall Julian’s wisdom?

May this day bring you “all shall be well” moments, filled with Spirit-inspired action…

P.S. An interesting note from Wikipedia about the mystic Julian:

In her fourteenth revelation, Julian writes of the Trinity in domestic terms, comparing Jesus to a mother who is wise, loving and merciful. Author Frances Beer asserted that Julian believed that the maternal aspect of Christ was literal and not metaphoric: Christ is not like a mother, he is literally the mother.[73] Julian emphasised this by explaining how the bond between mother and child is the only earthly relationship that comes close to the relationship a person can have with Jesus.[74]

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, August 18, 2024:

Know someone who might like receiving messages like this?**  If so, please forward this message to them and let them know they can sign up HERE

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: These times will likely find large numbers of families looking for nutritious food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to assist with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items
  • accept a Call to Action item from Season of Peace devotional posting

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

DISCIPLE PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically. 

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


DevotionalPraying handsSingendes Quartett3StudyMobius strip