CP is blessed by our dear friend and periodic contributor, Toni** About Christmastide, she remembers several things, including:
- her uncle, an English professor at Notre Dame, had a tradition of sending his Christmas greeting in the form of a lovely letter. It would arrive during the 12 days of Christmas.
- “when my sister and I were young, we had so much fun moving the 3 kings closer and closer to my parents’ manger scene. My sister laughed out loud when they visited earlier in the month, to see that in our Fisher Price manger scene (one of many in our home) the “kings” were off to the side”
What wonderful traditions, perhaps some that several of you CP’ers follow?!? For many households, the kings make their way to the manger scene as soon as we put it up. Perhaps next year we’ll allow the kings to make their way more slowly to the manger, possibly even allowing them to arrive on January 6th?
Toni also references a wonderful resource HERE that Kate Bowler shared in a recent post. Perhaps in the next few days it’ll prove to be a wonderful way for some CP’ers to experience the season?
- while reviewing earlier days of the calendar, maybe we’ll remember some of our wise people – “Send an email of thanks to someone who has been a spiritual inspiration to you. Your priest, pastor, teacher, or mentor.” – as suggested on the 5th Day of Christmas?
- maybe this New Year’s Eve, we’ll sing Auld Lang Syne with just a little more gusto after hearing it and possibly reading more about it HERE or elsewhere?
May you all appreciate “old times, especially times fondly remembered,” with fantastic New Year’s activities on the horizon…
Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!
** “many thanks for being you,” Toni!
Lectionary Texts for Sunday, December 31, 2023:
Know someone who might like receiving messages like this?** If so, forward this message to them and they can sign up HERE
POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: This season will likely find increasing numbers of folks looking for food, presenting opportunities to
- share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
- check with your faith community about upcoming opportunities to feed community members
- volunteer to help with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
- find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items
- accept a Call to Action item from Season of Peace devotional posting
NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE
CHRISTIAN PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically. Included now is a grin-inducing New Bible Reading Plan (Pearls Before Swine)
STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!