Now I Lay Me…

A number of us can complete the subject line prayer – Now I Lay Me… – in almost the same fashion. This is a famous prayer, especially for use with younger children.

Guideposts has 10 good evening prayers straight from the Bible HERE. They are a variety pack of Bible translations so hopefully one will speak to each of us.

POSSIBLE ACTION: maybe use one of these prayers or another you look up as a regular practice?

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, December 2, 2018:

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On Your Mark, Get Set …

Are you ready for Advent? This Sunday, December 2 is the first Sunday in Advent.

Whether using Lectionary verses or another devotional resource for the season, this is a wonderful time of year for Christians. We are reminded of preparations for new opportunities to love as God loves us.

This year my plans include participating in our church’s discussion group of Celebrating Abundance, an Advent devotional by Walter Brueggemann. Here’s a sampling from the back cover:

“Advent is not the kind of ‘preparation’ that involves shopping and parties and cards. Such illusions of abundance disguise the true cravings of our weary souls. Advent is preparation for the demands of newness that will break the tired patterns of fear in our lives.” ~ Celebrating Abundance (p.4) by Walter Brueggemann

POSSIBLE ACTION: Make plans to enjoy regular reading of your Bible, Celebrating Abundance or another devotional resource during Advent 2018.

May the experience of this Advent season – including the reading, thinking and acting ahead – help each of us to “break the tired patterns of fear…”

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, December 2, 2018:

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Prone to forget the source?

“The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God…” ~ proclamation signed by Abraham Lincoln, written by William Seward

Worldwide there are varied observances of Thanksgiving, be it for a day, an hour, a season. In the United States, this celebration has been regional early in the union and made national in 1863. THIS ARTICLE describes more detail of the establishment of the U.S. holiday. 

For those in the U.S., we get extra opportunity for celebration with days off, gatherings, etc.. For those in the U.S. and elsewhere, let us praise God for this day and every day, whether we feel like it or not!

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, November 25, 2018:

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A Fresh Look at Mistakes…

In November of 1863, some people viewed Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address as a mistake. After all, Lincoln only spent 2 minutes delivering his speech, directly following a famous orator of his day (who talked for well over 100 minutes!) Not such a mistake in today’s lens, right?

If you have a few minutes, take a read of Edward Grinnan’s comments about mistakes HERE.

During this day (and the week ahead as the U.S. celebrates Thanksgiving,) consider giving thanks for some of your self-perceived imperfections/mistakes and the positive results that sometimes occur even with this lack of perfection.

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, November 18, 2018:

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Love…no exceptions

“Love [people] even in [their] sin, for that is the semblance of Divine Love and is the highest love on earth. Love all God’s creation, the whole and every grain of sand in it. Love every leaf, every ray of God’s light. Love the animals, love the plants, love everything.”  ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

WOW! Dostoyevsky describes a mighty tall order.

In THIS “Seeing with God’s Eyes”  devotional, Richard Rohr shares some really nice commentary. Take a little time to savor this article if possible.

St. Timothy’s Episcopal church in Anderson Township (Cincinnati) has an electronic sign. On it they periodically show visuals of all varieties of people with a “No Exceptions” message about God’s love. What a great reminder to us in our daily actions to be sharing God’s love with no exceptions! Who will be the recipient(s) of your loving gestures today in ways you wouldn’t ordinarily think to show that love?

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, November 18, 2018:

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Veterans – of war and of peace…

On Veteran’s Day, it’s our CP tradition to review pictures of family veterans in uniform

Does one look a little “out of place?”

My brother Andy was stationed in the country of Togo, West Africa in the Peace Corps in the mid/late 1980s. When he went off to do his service I was not sure what he was up to and the value of the experience. Over thirty years later, I GET IT! He and so many other veterans have shared the love of the American people worldwide by “working side by side with local leaders to tackle the most pressing challenges of our generation” ~ (taken from the Peace Corps mission statement)

Isaiah 2:4 mentions “beating our swords into plowshares.” In Togo, they did that quite literally by instructing the people to plow with oxen (in addition to teaching them math, English and engaging in many other worthwhile activities!) Whatever the role, it is tough work for the Peace Corps volunteer and the people in-country they work with daily. The result? Even 20 years later, these Peace Corps volunteers are recognized and welcomed with open arms (I had the pleasure of experiencing these greetings first-hand in 2009 – – many Togolese thought I was my brother! 🙂 )

We are blessed to have people willing to serve in such ways in the Peace Corps.

Could I say a lot about the blessing of what our military personnel have done for us, including my Uncles Fred and Jack (pictured above?) Absolutely, but I’m betting you’ll read a lot more about military folks like them in the popular press today so I’ll leave it here.

ACTION: Let’s honor and remember our veterans today in one or more ways such as

  • trip to a park or cemetery where a veteran’s memorial exists
  • attending area events honoring veterans – men, women and more (animals in K9 corps and others)
  • watching a show in a war setting
  • watching videos of Peace Corps volunteers sharing experiences HERE

PRAYER: God, we are blessed to have military veterans and currently-serving personnel who hopefully ultimately have made and are making our world a more peaceful place. We are equally blessed to have Peace Corps veterans and volunteers working for a more peaceful world. We remember and honor their efforts and sacrifices for such peaceful long-term priorities. Strengthen and support all of them – and us – in our roles of becoming better peace-makers worldwide! Amen.

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, November 11, 2018:

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Lord Jesus Have Mercy (Healing) on Me…

Have you heard of “the Jesus Prayer?” Author Frederica Mathewes-Green shares details in this YouTube video HERE – all in less than 3 minutes!

Frederica says the Jesus Prayer is a way to focus your attention on Jesus. Isn’t that what many of us want to do more regularly?**

ACTION: consider doing your adaptation of the Jesus Prayer several times today or on a day this upcoming weekend

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

** Should you want to hear even more, she tells about praying without ceasing in this 22 minute video.

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, November 11, 2018:

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Mysterious Ways…God’s Trombones

Guideposts magazine has a “His Mysterious Ways” section. A few years back, inspired by a series of events, the CP ARTICLE (HERE) almost wrote itself. It’s a nice reminder that God works in mysterious ways at times.
What “mysterious ways” story do you have? If you’d like to share with CP readers, please copy it as a comment below – it won’t go public immediately but will make it out to the readers at some point “down the road”**

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

** if you do submit a story, please include your email so we can correspond…

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, November 11, 2018:

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Saints – those who’ve gone before us…and now

It’s All Saints Day and we’ll let these two songs provide the message:

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for All Saints Day, 2018:

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, November 4, 2018:

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