Smile for a while…

A good quote can motivate, make you think and maybe even bring a smile. Here are a few favorites…

  • “If God is your co-pilot, SWITCH SEATS!”
  • “I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that he didn’t trust me so much.” – Mother Teresa
  • Life is fragile, handle with prayer
  • Be ye fishers of men. You catch ’em – He’ll clean ’em

Additional humorous lines are HERE and HERE

ACTION: Have some humorous religious quotes or stories to share? Tell a friend [and share with the Christian Playbook if you’re willing (]

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, June 3, 2018:

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Visuals Help – Prayer Photos

Viewing pictures of those for whom we’re praying can enhance prayer. If you haven’t done this before, maybe this is the day to try it out?

At first, find a few pictures of loved ones. Place those photos in an area(s) where you’ll see them regularly while praying.

As time goes on, this practice can stay relevant by adding more hard copy photographs around the house and/or by adding photos using technology. Locating hard copy photos all around may even help prompt prayer?

[For those liking technology, you might also create a Word/PowerPoint document and copy/paste photo images of people who are on your prayer list. This electronic file of pictures can be on your computer and also “on the cloud” for viewing the photos on smart phones, tablets or other computers even when away from the house. As a small example, HERE is such a prayer photo collage for world leaders and families (past and present.) ** NOTE: please don’t let this technological option become a burden – it’s just an additional way to make prayer visual and impactful. If it’s not adding joy, it’s not worth considering! ]

With Memorial Day happening tomorrow, maybe you “dig out” some family pictures of those loved ones who’ve gone on before us to place around the house for remembrance?

Have fun with pictures and prayer. Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, May 27, 2018:

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A Welcoming Community…

Community. For many of us, the world would be mighty lonely without it.

Yet some never feel welcomed.

Others want to change the community to suit their particular needs.

Creating the Christian community can be hard work. We may feel called to bring in a Zacchaeus-like character. Will our community behave as many did when Jesus dined with Zacchaeus? [Our Daily Bread audio commentary HERE]

ACTION: Who in your midst is a “child of God” who might use a little community with you, whether as part of an existing group or as an invitation to join together for a cup of coffee, a meal, a walk or ???

PRAYER: Creator God, strengthen us for the day ahead. Help us use the examples of Jesus to guide us. Move in us and through us to a better communing with you in all we do. Amen.

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

A Zacchaeus posting would seem incomplete without reference to this song by the Singing Sister, Miriam Terese Winter, and the Medical Mission Sisters

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, May 27, 2018:

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Children of God…

We are blessed in so many ways as we prepare for Trinity Sunday, including being children of God:

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption. When we cry, “Abba! Father!” it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ–if, in fact, we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him.” ~ Romans 8:12-17

Super Wednesday*** used the “We are all children of God” reference very effectively to share the idea of treating each other with respect and caring. The scripture above brings a smile to my face when reading those words and remembering the experiences of grace, love and joy in those days with dozens of children of God.

Many thanks to you, the children of God who shared feedback on various aspects of the Christian Playbook. Those comments will help spur on new ideas and continue several that are working for us. If you did not get a chance to share feedback and would still be willing, please do so HERE

One survey respondent shared the reference “O Love that Wilt not let me go” by The Westminster Chorus HERE. It seems a good choice as we ready for Trinity Sunday. Close your eyes while listening to this … beautiful!

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

*** Super Wednesday was a mid-week children’s program at Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church for many years

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, May 27, 2018:

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Come Holy Spirit

Wendy M. Wright in her book The Rising shares this commentary:

“In years gone by the liturgical mood of Pentecost was one of great pageantry and beauty. The eye was greeted with brilliant red banners and vestments. The sense of smell caught the rising clouds of incense as they purified the holy space of the sanctuary. The ear was delighted with the musical setting of the ninth century hymn, Veni, Creator, Spiritus…” ~ p. 173 in The Rising by Wendy M. Wright

Perhaps this video can provide just a bit of that feeling: Veni, Creator Spiritus-Come Holy Spirit, Creator Blest ? (HERE is the nineteenth-century English language translation)

QUESTION: How might you allow the Spirit to invade life more easily? If you come up with ideas, consider adding this to your “to do list” for this upcoming week…

PRAYER: Almighty God, Today I offer myself completely to you: all my thoughts, all my words, all I do. Make my movements a living prayer; help me unite myself to Jesus Christ in heart, mind and soul. Empower me to feel the Spirit with every breath I take, and act accordingly in answer to the question “what would Jesus have me do in this moment?”  Amen. – compilation of prayer from The Rising by Wendy M. Wright with additions by Steve Long

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, May 20, 2018:

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Now (and Always) Arriving…the Spirit

We’re preparing for Pentecost, a celebration of the Spirit’s arrival in our lives that happens in many churches this upcoming Sunday. Some communities wear the color red in symbolic remembrance [tougher in some communities, but pretty easy to find red in a wardrobe here in Cincinnati given our baseball team colors 🙂  ]

The power of the midwestern storm with the lightning and thunder are regular experiences in our area. If you don’t get the opportunity to experience them “live” you can likely recall a movie or two with good representation (HERE is home video as an example.) In that context, then, is this portrayal of the Spirit:

“… if God and the spiritual life are also dynamic, challenging and transforming, then perhaps the Spirit can be imagined not only as a gentle dove but as a midwestern storm. The power, awesome beauty and utter freedom of the storm speaks to me of the power, beauty, and freedom of the Spirit of God that acts in and through our lives.” ~ p. 184 in The Rising by Wendy M. Wright

As we prepare for the celebration of this Spirit in our lives, may God resonate in each of us in this fashion …

PRAYER: Joyce Rupp’s “A Prayer for Pentecost” shares some of this focus on strength. Consider praying this as you prepare for the day of Pentecost. This a great concluding line: “Grant that I may keep my whole self open to the transforming power of your indwelling, that I may ever know the blessings of your tremendous companionship.”

Enjoy this day and every day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, May 20, 2018:

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Feeling Whole?

It’s been a full 7 days – after your efforts with “A Seven-Day Experiment with Wholeness,” are you feeling whole?    🙂

Missing days…doing the days in a different order…getting partially through the activities… are all part of the experience. The word EXPERIMENT in the article title is perfect. Not every laboratory experience works perfectly but over time learning occurs that ideally provides positive results.

Did you get a chance to fast? Write a thankfulness note? Have other noteworthy daily experiment AHA moments? If you have reflections on this experience you would be willing to share with the community, please reply in the section below or email them to

ACTION: Take a few minutes to reflect on the week just past. Are any of the daily spiritual activities worthy of making your “to do” list for this upcoming week?

PRAYER: God, in the week ahead – – strengthen me, guide me and stir me – – to be Your loving presence in this world! Amen.

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, May 20, 2018:

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Happy FeRoMo Day – Celebrating Positive Female Role Models

Happy Mother’s Day.    Hmmm… while I appreciate the concept, to me this day is less about celebrating women who mother children and more about recognizing women who are wonderful examples to children (and adults.)

So… this year I’m going with “Happy FeRoMo** Day!” to all the women in my life. Not quite as catchy, is it?

My life blessings include a multitude of positive female role models – certainly my mom, but also my wife, sister, aunts, cousins, mother-in-law, several other female family members, teachers, ministers, work colleagues and friends.

FeRoMo Day 2018 is a great time to remember these many special women in our lives. The Helen Steiner Rice poem HERE captures nice thoughts about the special women who care for us – – our mothers and/or other caring women in our lives! Maybe you’ll even forward this email or print the poem and share it with a special woman?

CBS Sunday Morning on their May 6 broadcast included a touching commentary from a woman who is not a girl’s birth mother but is her mom. You can see it by fast forwarding to the 50 minute, 50 second point of this CBS Sunday Morning weblink:  It’s well worth the 3 minutes…

May we find time today to make this day refreshing and special for all women who are role models in our world…

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!


** FeRoMo (Female Role Model) 

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, May 13, 2018:

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Thankfulness: A Seven-Day Experiment with Wholeness

It’s not necessarily easy to make it through a daily efforts as part of “A Seven-Day Experiment with Wholeness.” Even the best ideas still can take longer to accomplish than desired.

Day 4 is on Thankfulness. My good buddy Lee made it a practice to take a gratitude walk, verbally listing his thankfulness the way Lynne suggests in her article on Day 4. Psalm 103, verse 2 says: “may I never forget the good things God does for me.”

While our written lists of thankfulness will not necessarily fill pages, may our verbal/conscious lists on this day be voluminous.

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, May 13, 2018:

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Wholeness: A Seven-Day Experiment

This week’s best intentions will include trying what Lynne M. Baab describes in THIS ARTICLE as “A Seven-Day Experiment with Wholeness.” Lynne shares a daily combination of action, prayer and reflection.

Today’s activity involves Nature: take time out for the natural world and Psalm 104.

Care to join for this week of wholeness activity?  🙂

May our hearts be stirred, our brains expanded and our countenances brightened!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, May 13, 2018:

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