
Our God, our God, why have you forsaken us? Why are you seemingly so far from saving us, from the words of our groaning? O God, we cry by day, but it appears you do not answer  ~ Psalm 22:1-2 (with alterations)

One definition of lament is “To grieve audibly; wail.” This CAC summary and the accompanying Lamentation Practice in a Time of Crisis (HERE) share plenty of good thoughts and facts.

PRACTICE: Perhaps this is the day to try out the “Lamentation Practice in a Time of Crisis” (HERE)?

PRAYER:  God, things seem to be whirling out of control. In the midst of this whirlwind, restore us to a better place, with you in the center. We trust you and know that when things slow down, the “new normal” will involve you and an exciting next chapter in our journey together.

PROSE: Consider reading And The People Stayed Home – nice perspective!

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

HUMOR – we sometimes lament our bloopers… some from the Johnny Carson show are HERE including this one


  • For People Critically Ill, or Facing Great Uncertainty – from New Zealand Prayer Book (bottom of first page shown HERE)
  • Lenten Prayer by Rev. Dr. LP Jones: opportunities to read or listen

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, March 29, 2020:

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