Stirring Up One Another…

For many valued years, a group of MWPC men got together every Friday at 6:03 AM for fellowship, prayer and action. The FATHERS Team materials gave us opportunities to practice being better fathers, husbands and Christian citizens.

The nice thing is, most of these FATHERS Team materials easily fit a “gender neutral” team as well. Here’s one of the FATHERS Team “daily signals” that works for all Christians

“As for me and my fellow Christians we will consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, but encouraging one another, and all the more as we see the Day drawing near”

~ FATHERS Team signal taken from Hebrews 10:24-25, with Christian Playbook change of  “Christians” in place of “Fathers”


  • Try saying aloud the “signal” above on a daily basis for this upcoming week
  • If you, your church or small group is looking for study materials or retreat possibilities that “upbuild men, women, and children in practical expressions of their Christian faith” check out Ron Rand’s website

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!



Lectionary Texts for Sunday, August 9, 2020

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