Standing Firm…

“I recently read yet another article on the importance of religion for a child’s healthy development. I put the argument this way: Our children are being raised in a society where the dominant “religion” is not the one found in the Bible, but the competitive, consumer culture. This religion produces anxiety because it convinces us to put our trust in ourselves—our accomplishments, status and overall performance. ” ~ Roger Green HERE

 As usual, Roger’s blog posting has thought-provoking commentary. With technology increasingly invading lives with social media comparisons, anonymity comments, bullying and more, is it any wonder that anxiousness follows?

POTENTIAL ACTIONS: Are there ways you can stir up yourself or others to  actively engage in one or more of these ideas for the younger generations based on Roger’s discussion?

  • “When we bring our children to Sunday worship and invite them to rely on a God who is with us in spite of our ‘performance,’ we give our children a durable foundation for their lives.”
  • “When we take them to funerals and tell them that God’s love is stronger than death, we address their fear of mortality.”
  • “When the church community relentlessly loves them, we remind them of the Good News that their worth is God given.”

PRAYER: Creator – when we begin to feel anxious, stir in us so that we might better know your way for that moment and all our days! Amen.

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, December 22, 2019:

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