Gratitude in the midst of shadows…

In very tumultuous times, Diana Butler Bass provides “A Word of Hope” HERE. We need this during our confluence of pandemics: COVID-19, racial injustice and economic inequality while two years ago when she wrote the post the issues were immigration practices and other U.S. challenges. Diane points out: “… Well, we’re not thankful for any of this. Instead, we can be thankful through it…”

Diana goes on to share some commentary about what we can do in the midst of challenging times, including strengthening our inner selves and sharing of our outer selves. She also provides some links to recent conversations on the topic.

Great is God’s faithfulness. Just typing the words brings back memories of the song and a little inner stirring…

Be grateful for the day, filled with the Spirit!

“A Prayer: I want to change. I want the world to change. Fear and division exhausts me. Exhausts us. We cannot live this way. Make me an instrument of gratefulness. Guide me to the way of mercy and love that leads to peace; That I may guide others to abundant life. For the sake of healing my own heart and healing the world.” ~ Diana Butler Bass



Lectionary Texts for Sunday, June 21, 2020:

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