Good Shepherd – Fourth Week of Easter

Fourth Week of Easter focus is “Good Shepherd” and this Sunday’s lectionary – listed below – includes Psalm 23 and John 10:1-10

The 23rd Psalm brings meaning and emotion for many people (for instance, my buddy Lee said it before/during each of his 52 WW II missions with the Air Corps.)  Being a shepherd was tough work – examining the historical specifics provides good insight and imagery (HERE is a historical perspective summary of Psalm 23 from the book God’s Psychiatry by Charles Allen. I particularly like this quote: “The sheep followed the shepherd with complete trust.”)

Bible commentary about the John 10 verses includes these notes:

  • Sheep were gathered in a sheepfold that was ordinarily a cave, shed or walls made of branches or stones. There was a doorway for entry and exit
  • The “gate” was frequently the shepherd himself, stretched across the doorway

The shepherd of those days provided so much care and love for his sheep, including stretching out as the doorway gate to protect them. The good news is that have the Great Shepherd doing those very things for us this day and every day!

ACTION: For whom can you be more of a shepherd? Spend a few minutes devising an action plan for how you can better share the word, the love, the care and the protection.

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit and acting more like a shepherd!

P.S. For a bit of humor about hearing the shepherd’s voice, click HERE

Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, May 7, 2017:

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