Facing Social Network Challenges…

Facebook has been in the news for a variety of reasons in the last week including whistle-blower testimony to Congress and service being unavailable to users for many hours. Perhaps you experienced the forced “fast” from one of your favorite apps/websites?

The negativity of social media has been tackled in a 2020 movie, The Social Dilemma. IMDB says this movie “Explores the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations.”

It’s increasingly alarming as we hear and read about problems social media problems can cause, especially for children. As role models for these young ones, is the benefit of social media worth it?

These verses, originally written years ago (and updated in the final section,) share some thoughts:

Prayer tools online,

devotionals too.

Privacy unbound,

are “quiet times” through?


God, help us use technology

in ways that are good.

Not idolistic life-support but supporting life;

as most Christian efforts should.


May technology make relationships strong,

Holy Spirit ever powerful.

With love like Christ taught;

and child-like energy, hearts full.


Help us make effective use

of what technology avails.

Social media, phone and pics;

sharing love, which never fails.


And when tech cons overwhelm the pros

May we “stand up,” with actions and prose

Stir us dear God with surpassing praise

As your grateful, healthy children, we raise

Possible Actions:

  • consider watching The Social Dilemma movie
  • examine your own social media usage and impacts on you
  • reflect on how technology is helping feed your faith


Creator God, we are surrounded by your earthy glory and by untold horrors. Help us; heal us; spur us; remind us. We are yours and you are ours. Amen

May this day find you in the midst of great love, with or without the assistance of technology. Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, October 10, 2021:

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