Crossing Thresholds with Jesus – a really good spiritual exercise from Alive Now!

A final, wonderful example of what Alive Now magazine has provided is so appropriate – great job Beth and team! Subscribers will be dealing with the transition in our devotionals without this fine publication and here is a technique to help us move over this threshold! **

In her article “Crossing Thresholds with Jesus,” Flora Slosson Wuellner takes us through an exercise to help when readying to cross a “threshold moment” of any type. What strikes me is that it is straightforward, tactical, strategic and practical all at the same time. Thanks Flora!

ACTION: Think of a transitional time you are facing and try out the exercise “Crossing Thresholds with Jesus” My bet is that it will help you enjoy an even better day, filled with the Spirit and more aware that Christ Jesus is preparing the places ahead for you!


** For subscribers of Alive Now, this is a very sad month. We say goodbye to a periodical that we’ve enjoyed for many months – it will no longer be published and no more emails will be arriving once May hits.

Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, April 30, 2017:

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