Is insomnia an issue for you or someone you know? Maybe the idea in this Daily Guideposts article is worth a try?
Practicing approaches like this in the past, I can attest to their effectiveness. In some ways it reminds me of nighttime conversations when sleeping over at a friend’s house – one of us would be talking and suddenly there was no sound as we both nodded off… [As a good friend, I’m certain God doesn’t mind that we’re nodding off while in conversation with our heavenly parent! 🙂]
ACTION: Think of a friend or family member who deals with challenges sleeping. Share prayers of strength and support for that person. Then, if appropriate, maybe it’s worth sending this email or one of your own construction off to them along with the Daily Guideposts article?
Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!
Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, May 14, 2017: