“A Healthy Church Needs a Healthy Planet…”

You’ve likely read before somewhere: “Want to see God smile? Tell God your plans…”

Today’s CP post originally had a VERY different vibe. Then along came the 12/1 CAC post “A Healthy Church Needs a Healthy Planet;” that in concert with the 12/1 Prepare the Way book reading/suggested activities. Seems Spirit may be working in mysterious ways…

What work are you doing this week to help our global climate situation?

That’s the question that is resonating in the materials above and so many others** That CAC article HERE includes commentary:

The world we want, that we ache for, is a world where children get to grow up and live to old age, where people have food and houses and enjoyable work, where animals and plants and human beings live together on the earth in harmony, where *none “shall hurt or destroy” [Isaiah 65:25].

~ Sallie McFague*

Anyone disagree with Sallie?

If not, perhaps her closing sentiment will stir us to action:

God says, “Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking I will hear.” “While they are yet speaking”—we have only to ask for God to answer! But we must ask with our whole being; a better world must become our deepest desire. And this means, of course, we must work at it; we must give our whole selves to it.

~ Sallie McFague*

POTENTIAL ACTION: What work can you do this week (“putting your whole self to it”) to help our global climate situation?

May the experience of this Advent season help each of us towards climate justice.

Enjoy the day, filled with Spirit’s stirrings!

* A New Climate for Theology: God, the World, and Global Warming (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2008), 144.

** check out the “8 Questions” section, page 80 of the Time magazine for 12/5-12/12 as an example

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, December 4, 2022:

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