Traditions for Easter…

As we prepare for Easter Sunday, many thanks to today’s contributor, Toni P. from SW Ohio, for this commentary:

Horseradish.   Butter–in the shape of a lamb.    Sausage.   Traditional Polish costumes.   Eggs.   What do these things have in common? They are all part of our family’s traditional Easter celebration.

Combining symbolism from our Polish and Roman Catholic heritages gives us a holiday that makes us feel very connected to our family and to our faith. Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The bitter taste of horseradish, reminding us of the drink offered to Jesus. Homemade bread to honor the bread of life. Eggs that symbolize new life.

We put a basket of these traditional foods together on Saturday and take them to a communal food blessing ceremony. Then these foods become a part of our Easter Sunday breakfast.

ACTION: Do you have traditions at holidays that deepen the meaning and the family connection for you? Perhaps you could try adding something to your celebration this year (HERE’S an article if you want to explore world traditions and related food items.)


P.S. In case you’re interested in some smiles, this Facebook post has a humorous take on having a Polish heritage

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, April 9, 2017:

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