Pecooler Noshuns…

Born 209 years ago, Abe Lincoln was a master at injecting humor. Many of us believe that Jesus Christ, like Lincoln, was pretty good with a tale and a grin.**

Lincoln used material from many sources. In his book Jesus, Man of Joy, Sherwood Wirt writes…

I cannot help believing that Artemus Ward, Abraham Lincoln’s favorite humorist, was reflecting the mind of Christ when he told the Pharisees of his day, “Your religion is small pertaters, I must say. You air in a dreary fog all the time, and you treat the jolly sunshine of life as though it were a thief, drivin’ it from your doors by them pecooler noshuns of yourn.” ***

Seems like a good idea to stay away from any such pecooler noshuns that allow dreary fog to overcome the jolly sunshine of life… In our religion and life in general, let’s go about sharing the Joy of Christ!

Along those lines, HERE are “humorous bulletin blunders” to enjoy  (with apologies to religious office staff members everywhere who usually get the material right!) Here’s one, as a teaser…

The Associate Minister unveiled the church’s new campaign slogan last Sunday: ‘I Upped My Pledge – Up Yours.’

Have a great day, filled with joy, humor and the Spirit!

** In his book The Humor of Christ, Elton Trueblood says “We do not know with certainty how much humor there is in Christ’s teaching, but we can be sure that there is far more than is normally recognized.” (Preface, page 10)

*** Topical Encyclopedia, no. 1139

Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, February 18, 2018:

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