Show Up For Reality Just As It Is…

The CAC posting HERE provides some wonderful stirring in the midst of our chaotic worlds. While each travels this world uniquely, Mirabai Starr writes about mysticism we can experience in the “monasteries” of our everyday lives:

When you say yes to cultivating a mystical gaze, the ordinary world becomes more luminous, imbued with flashes of beauty and moments of meaning. The universe responds to your willingness to behold the holy by revealing almost everything as holy. A plate of rice and beans, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, your new baby, the latest political scoundrel, the scary diagnosis, the restless nights.

Hmmm… how can we receive these flashes of beauty and moments of meaning?

POSSIBLE ACTIONS… (as Mirabai Starr mentions HERE:)

  • “Set your intention to uncover the jewels buried in the heart of what already is. Choose to see the face of God in the face of the bus driver and the moody teenager, in peeling a tangerine or feeding the cat….
  • Open your heart, and then do everything you can to keep it open. Light every candle in the room….”

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit !

P.S. Any “Peace Day” AHAs you care to share? ( salong_now @ )

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, September 29, 2024:

Know someone who might like receiving messages like this?**  If so, please forward this message to them and let them know they can sign up HERE

POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: These times will likely find large numbers of families looking for nutritious food, presenting opportunities to

  • share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
  • check with your faith community about opportunities to feed community members
  • volunteer to assist with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
  • find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items
  • TAKE ACTION using an item from this Season of Peace devotional posting

NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE

DISCIPLE PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically. 

STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!


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