Overwhelmed…and praying for those who are…

In his picture and text in this Sight Psalms post, David Kepley does a nice job of expressing the Overwhelmed feeling. Many of us have experienced times when we felt there was more than we could handle in our lives.

This brings hurricane Harvey to mind. Our thoughts and prayers have been with those in the Houston area and other regions affected by this massive storm. Our hearts hurt for all the difficulties we see, hear and know are part of this.

Looking at Kepley’s picture and words, it strikes me that there have likely been some Augusts when Houston was praying for August rains. Then the floods appear as we’ve seen this August in the Houston area – and see amidst these three trees in David’s picture.

It’s similar in our lives – at times we want more of something and then when it arrives it sometimes comes in buckets-full. Reminds me of the old saying “be careful what you ask for, you just might get it!”

ACTION: Let’s hold up the people affected by Hurricane Harvey in our prayers of strength and support. May they, in the midst of feeling Overwhelmed, also find the peace that passeth all understanding…

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, September 3, 2017:

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