We’re preparing for Pentecost, a celebration of the Spirit’s arrival in our lives that happens in many churches this upcoming Sunday. Some communities wear the color red in symbolic remembrance [tougher in some communities, but pretty easy to find red in a wardrobe here in Cincinnati given our baseball team colors 🙂 ]
The power of the midwestern storm with the lightning and thunder are regular experiences in our area. If you don’t get the opportunity to experience them “live” you can likely recall a movie or two with good representation (HERE is home video as an example.) In that context, then, is this portrayal of the Spirit:
“… if God and the spiritual life are also dynamic, challenging and transforming, then perhaps the Spirit can be imagined not only as a gentle dove but as a midwestern storm. The power, awesome beauty and utter freedom of the storm speaks to me of the power, beauty, and freedom of the Spirit of God that acts in and through our lives.” ~ p. 184 in The Rising by Wendy M. Wright
As we prepare for the celebration of this Spirit in our lives, may God resonate in each of us in this fashion …
PRAYER: Joyce Rupp’s “A Prayer for Pentecost” shares some of this focus on strength. Consider praying this as you prepare for the day of Pentecost. This a great concluding line: “Grant that I may keep my whole self open to the transforming power of your indwelling, that I may ever know the blessings of your tremendous companionship.”
Enjoy this day and every day, filled with the Spirit!
Lectionary Texts for Sunday, May 20, 2018:
- Acts 2:1-21 or Ezekiel 37:1-14
- Psalm 104:24-34, 35b
- Romans 8:22-27 or Acts 2:1-21
- John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15
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