The legacy of Mister Rogers is substantial and tackling the issue of racial tension was something he did “head on.” Included HERE is a summary of those efforts with Officer Clemmons. It’s wonderful to experience the video clips again with commentary.
Few of us have the exposure to millions of children the way that Fred Rogers did. Yet, each of us can make a statement about the importance of racial equality with our actions, one person at a time.
POSSIBLE ACTIVITY: if you haven’t started the 21-day racial equity challenge, it’s not too late. Check it out HERE
PRAYER: Dear God, Help me to not be too defensive when someone questions my comments or actions that might be racially inappropriate. Continually guide me to new understanding of my background and how I can make our world a better place for people of color worldwide. Amen
Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!
- Christian Playbook humor links – updated on 6/19
- For People Critically Ill, or Facing Great Uncertainty (bottom of first page shown HERE)
- Celtic Daily Prayer
- CP Prayer Page – containing LOADS of possibilities…
Lectionary Texts for Sunday, July 12, 2020:
- Genesis 25:19-34 and Psalm 119:105-112
- Isaiah 55:10-13 and Psalm 65:(1-8), 9-13
- Romans 8:1-11
- Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23
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