Lenten Prayer* by LP Jones (aspects of confession)…

Sometimes as Christians we enjoy a reawakening and/or recharging. For many in the Mt. Washington area of Cincinnati, the pastorate of Rev. Dr. LP Jones was such a blessed experience.

Regular readers of CP will recognize this Lenten Prayer as a regular part of this season’s postings. In the early 2010s, Rev. Dr. LP Jones prepared and shared a Holy Week prayer with the MWPC community as part of his weekly newsletter column [read or listen to the entire Lenten Prayer HERE]

This week we’ll focus on these lines relating to confession.

…We know our sins are many, but why must we confess them so often? Remind us, gracious God, that you call us to confession not to burden us, but to free us. Help us to offer you every fear, failure, and sin, so that your forgiveness can calm and cleanse us and your steadfast love can draw us to new beginnings…

The first two sentences feel like part of the human experience – confessing sins AGAIN this week. Really? It’s easy to get that burdened feeling relating to confession.

LP brings it to a great spot just like the song Amazing Grace does for many – “to free us.” Though making plenty of mistakes, we can be inspired by the forgiveness of our Creator!

Let us then go out, willing to make a suitable number of mistakes – strengthened and spurred by the Spirit!

[author note: Anne Lamott’s 3 word prayer book title comes to mind in such situations – HELP (us take these words into our lives.) THANKS (for the inspirational aspects that LP’s ministry shared with MWPC, and other inspirational messengers share to various communities in the past, present and future.) WOW (let these words surround and inspire us to love and good works.) ]


Lectionary Texts for Sunday, March 5, 2023:

POTENTIAL LENTEN PRAYER ACTIONS: Perhaps one of these will stir an opportunity for prayer enhancement during Lent 2023?

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