“In Solitude Solidarity” HERE, a Henri Nouwen site post can bring one back to the Maya Angelou video commentary in the last CP post about all of us having the opportunity to enjoy the best and suffer the worst while being a Child of God.
This part of the Solitude Solidarity catches attention
Rather, in the center of our solitude we meet all men and women as brothers and sisters. In true solitude, we stand so naked and so vulnerable before God, and we become so deeply aware of our total dependency on God’s love, that not only our friends but also those who kill, lie, torture, rape, and wage wars become part of our flesh and blood.
This solitude sounds pretty challenging. Yet, perhaps with this version of solitude, we can truly love one another, setting “othering” out of the game!
- Did you miss the 3 minute video HERE with Dr. Maya Angelou, or want to hear it again? Powerful commentary!
- Find 10-20 minutes for solitude with a focus on solidarity like Nouwen mentions: “Our hearts, full of God and empty of fear and anger, become a welcoming home for God and for our whole human family on earth.”
Enjoy your time, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, June 25, 2023:
- Genesis 21:8-21 and Psalm 86:1-10, 16-17
- Jeremiah 20:7-13 and Psalm 69:7-10, (11-15), 16-18
- Romans 6:1b-11
- Matthew 10:24-39
POTENTIAL ACTIONS – FOOD INSECURITY: This season will likely find increasing numbers of folks looking for food, presenting opportunities to
- share financial and/or food offerings with a local food pantry
- check with your faith community about upcoming opportunities to feed community members
- volunteer to help with a local mobile food pantry or community dinner
- find a Little Pantry in your area and help stock it with shelf-stable food items
NOTE: for those in the Cinci region, some food organizations are listed HERE
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CHRISTIAN PLAYBOOK HUMOR – click HERE for MORE humor, updated periodically
Including the one HERE about the first publisher to be smote … plus toonfever like this one:
Click on the cartoon above to visit toonfever.com!
STREAMING WORSHIP SERVICES – Cincinnati, Bowling Green and more!