
Two years ago, a wonderful daughter came into our family through marriage. It was a blessed day in many ways, including the positive, wise presence of Pastor Roger.

In addition to lightening the mood with several observations – most kilts ever in a wedding he’s done; never a groom with a big brace on his knee; etc. – he brought a wonderful message to the couple (and to all of us.) Using the fact that the groom was using a cane, Pastor Roger shared commentary about using critical “crutches” in life: a significant other, the cloud of witnesses in your community and especially God.

Pastor Roger reminded the happy couple that: 1) God wants to help you and support you as individuals and as a couple and 2) God wants honest conversation with you and from you.

A good message for us all! 🙂


  • enjoy some honest conversation with God in a comfortable setting
  • think of someone who has been a critical crutch for you in the past few months and contact them to thank them via phone, note, text or …

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, November 24, 2019:

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