Come Alongside…

While the word paraclesis may be a new one for us, the concept has been with us for all our days as Christians. Jesus certainly shares enough examples himself (Zaccheus, woman at the well, etc.) and stories of those who come alongside others.

Here’s a little background on the word from the website 

‘Paraclesis’ is inspired by and built around the Greek word ‘Paraklesis’: PARAKLESIS: ‘one who comes alongside’
In its various forms this word can be found over 140 times in the New Testament.

Wow. Over 140 times – guess we probably have seen/heard this.  🙂

In our lives today we have those same “walking alongside others” opportunities. In fact, our Sunday paper had this article about a way to accomplish this for virtually all of us.

Let us go out this day, walking alongside others as we work, enjoy and pray…

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!


  • Check out website for ideas. Sadly for those of us in other areas, that program is only for those in the UK and Ireland, but we can still get some great ideas there!
  • consider having the “neighbors over,” whether your geographic neighbors, church community or a person you meet on the street?

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, November 10, 2019:

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