Brighten the Corner Where You Are…

The title “Brighten the Corner Where You Are” gives a nice hint of where Ina Mae Duley Ogdon wants Christians to make a difference – right where you are! Charles Hutchinson Gabriel provides a pleasant, speedy melody to highlight the brightening aspect.

Take a listen HERE.

A mighty fine example of a person who takes this song to heart is our mom. She is heavily informed of what’s going on in our world and yet still has plenty of joy to share where she lives. We praise God, that we have this wonderful example continuing to brighten the corner where she lives.

ACTION: Consider 1-3 actions that might brighten this day for you and others in your path. Among the possibilities: 1) smile and/or wave to someone as you walk past; 2) write a prayer of praise and share it with a friend; 3) do a random act of kindness; 4) when paying for fast food takeout, ask to cover a few dollars of the bill (or the whole thing if you’re feeling mighty generous!) for the person behind you…

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!



Lectionary Texts for Sunday, August 16, 2020

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