With postings like this one – A Blessing of the Empty Space – Beth Richardson continues to bless us. The whole post is worth a read if you have a few minutes. The way she describes the emptiness left by the death of her dad “rings true” for many
“Left with the emptiness,
The space that can never be filled
In quite the same way.” ~ Beth Richardson in the book
This is a sentiment that frequently finds its way into sympathy cards. We know we want to enjoy every minute with our loved ones and when they leave our mortal presence there is an emptiness that can never be completely filled.
This message is also a reminder of the Blessings song that Christian Playbook referenced earlier in the week. While trials of life are challenging and sometimes almost overwhelming, they are blessings all the same, as the song describes.
ACTION: How can you be blessing to another in your midst this week? It’s not always apparent that there are troubling times afoot for that person, but invariably we’re all undergoing some type of challenge…
Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!
“…grief is the tax we pay on loving people.” ~ Thomas Lynch as quoted in the book Life of Meaning p. 87
Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, December 10, 2017:
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