Altruistic Egoism – that’s a mouthful!
How about “When you give of yourself you get so much in return.”
That’s more like it. 🙂
Jesus shared plenty of words and examples of altruistic egoism including Luke 6:31. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is the one we heard regularly from our mom while growing up. It did (and does) resonate within me, helping the Spirit move me to do some things outside my comfort zone. She is a great mom and human being – not only does she say the words, she also “walks her talk” (at age 84 she about as active as she’s ever been!) And not only does she bless, she is blessed and grateful.
During Lent, our church is encouraging folks to “Take Something On for Lent” and on 2/25 they’ll be hearing from me about altruistic egoism. There will be pictures of folks helping others on the screen. Guess what. Most of the time, those pictures show helpers smiling and engaging with others. Another bonus of altruism…
PRAYER: Dear God, help us to remember about loving another the way we want to be loved…
ACTION: What can you “take on this week” to help another? Allow the Spirit to stir you to move outside your comfort zone if you can…
Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!
Lectionary Texts for this Sunday, February 25, 2018:
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