WOW. As we continue living in this COVID-19 environment, life seems ever-changing…
Worship? Canceled.
Social gatherings? Minimized.
Faith. Challenged?
Here are a few thoughts/adaptations:
- consider praying aloud the “For People Critically Ill, or Facing Great Uncertainty” prayer at the link HERE (shared by a Mississippi pastor and dear family friend
- worship at home (several streaming worship service links are HERE)
- listen to songs of faith HERE
- call or email a friend to chat about joyful life experiences you have shared
- get outside and take a walk, like the folks pictured below
Our community of faith makes a huge difference. With our new technological world, “where two or more are gathered” doesn’t always have to be in physical proximity!
Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!
Lenten Prayer by Rev. Dr. LP Jones: opportunities to read or listen
Lectionary Texts for Sunday, March 15, 2020:
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