Walking backward…

Walking backward. Hmmm… Brings Michael Jackson to mind with the Moonwalk (HERE.) And Abraham Lincoln as a young man walking back about half a mile (though probably not backwards) to help a pig.

This story from Our Daily Bread highlights another famous person with a different type of walking backward. The full article is well worth the read. This quote from the article

“A life that runs counter to the norm is inevitable for those who would truly imitate Jesus.”

is a good reminder for those of us who sometimes feel compelled to act just like everyone else when deep-down it just doesn’t feel right.

Sometimes it is just plain necessary to do some walking backwards…

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

The “Jesus Christ lizard” appears to walk on water (but, alas, not backwards…)

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, October 27, 2019:

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