Doin’ the Daniel Tiger…

The legacy of Mister Rogers is substantial and just the other night was another example of his influence. While Zooming with dear family members, the youngest in our gathering got upset. We then watched her mom suggest that they might do “the Daniel Tiger.”

What happened next was marvelous. They did Daniel Tiger…and again…and again. Then we all were ready for discussion of our next topic.

What is “the Daniel Tiger?”

“When you get so mad that you want to roar,

take a breath … and count to four!”  ~ Fred Rogers song

An animated version is HERE – it is well worth the 1 minute to watch.

Then, maybe it’s time to practice this and/or share the approach with others in the days ahead? It’s worth a try, especially for those of us with a shorter fuse than we might like…

PRAYER: Dear God, When the anger level starts to rise, help us remember the Daniel Tiger so we can help ourselves diffuse the anger and then leap forward to Christ-like action. Amen

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Not a tiger, but a hyena looking pretty angry here…
And the pack is just a little more tranquil?



Lectionary Texts for Sunday, July 12, 2020:

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