Prayer Triads

  1. Find two others willing to participate in group prayer with you
  2. Agree that all items the three of you discuss will be held in strict confidence just between the three of you and God
  3. Only share what feels comfortable – this is a NO PRESSURE ZONE
  4. Designate who will be Person A, Person B and Person C
  5. One of you will be the time monitor – set a peaceful alarm tone for 1 minute on a smart phone (or use a portable oven timer, casually monitor a watch with a second hand or find another way to keep approximate accounting of time; ideally short of having someone count to 60! 🙂 )
  6. Person A has 1 minute to share ONE specific prayer concern for them or someone else in their sphere (family member, friend,…)
  7. Person B takes 1 minute to pray aloud about Person A’s concern
  8. Person C has 1 minute to share ONE specific prayer concern for them or someone else in their sphere (family member, friend,…)
  9. Person A takes 1 minute to pray aloud about Person C’s concern
  10. Person B has 1 minute to share ONE specific prayer concern for them or someone else in their sphere (family member, friend,…)
  11. Person C takes 1 minute to pray aloud about Person B’s concern
  12. Conclude with a boisterous “Amen!”