Disciple Playbook – Background

Several months after starting this playbook, Alive Now (5/16/2008) had a devotion asking what questions you have about your purpose and then had us read II Corinthians 13:11-13:

“Dear brothers and sisters. I close my letter with these last words: Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace. Then the God of love and peace will be with you. Greet each other with a sacred kiss. All of God’s people here send you their greetings.”

The questions I had included this one:

What patterns of daily life will enrich my Christian experience?

I immediately thought of this playbook exercise, begun during Lent 2008, as a good starter. This needs to be finalized and then lived on a DAILY basis!!! The one item that requires more attention is the action, since motion is so important to me.

Many questions remain.  How to assure that these activities are done every day, publicized and accomplished in a way pleasing to God? This will involve some thought/reflection regarding how they might be done with others at times, additional materials to consider and whether certain groups of people can help foster this work [NOTE: THE QUESTIONS AND ACTIVITIES CONTINUE, 14 YEARS LATER (AS OF 2022.)  🙂  ]

NOTE:  The “Disciple Playbook” was originally named “Christian Playbook,” with the name change happening in 2024. The result is that viewers may still see reference to Christian Playbook in various spots as we slowly evolve to the name change finding its way onto already-established pages


NOTE:  most graphics on this website are from Wikimedia Commons or from Steve Long photography (and in some cases from photos friends are willing to have me to share)