For the Advent season, consider purchasing the Pamela C. Hawkins book for the Lectionary year you’re in – for Advent 2017 it’s Year B (Behold), for Advent 2018 it’s Year C (Prepare the Way) and for Advent 2019 it’s Year A (Simply Wait)
These lines from the webpage for Behold help to understand a little of what Hawkins will take us through:
“You can follow all the spiritual practices Hawkins suggests or choose the ones that most capture your attention. The spiritual practices include
- reflection
- silence
- prayer
- reading scripture
- reading or singing of hymn texts
- Christian service and action”
[Looks similar to what we do with the Christian Playbook on a year-round basis, doesn’t it? :-)]
Hawkins chooses a focus word for each week during Advent and then encourages following the practices above using that word. We will use this approach for Advent 2017 using the Behold resource.