Stress reduction in unexpected ways…

This Guideposts article by Phnesha Marchette is wonderful – – the idea of using art as a stress-reducer makes sense, even for those of us who might not consider this a primary gift!

Phnesha laughs when first feeling the call to artistic efforts. Isn’t it wonderful how the Spirit can work in such mysterious ways?

  • The “you should paint” stirring that happens regularly
  • The salesperson who becomes an informal accountability partner by saying he’ll expect to see one of Phnesha’s paintings the next time she’s in the store
  • Phnesha’s girls taking an interest in painting

Ever feel that stirring inside? Typing those words spurs a memory of this “Just Do It” song…

ACTION: Allow yourself some quiet time after reading the Guideposts article. Any chance you feel a stirring that needs some action?

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!



Lectionary Texts for Sunday, June 28, 2020:

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