Movin’ & prayin’ …

Movin’ and prayin’ can be a wonderful way to experience God.

One example is this palms up/down format that Bob Buford mentions in the book Halftime

{Put your PALMS UP – arms outstretched in front of you}

Spend a minute or two praying about giving your life back to God, describing the various ways you can do that…

{Move to PALMS DOWN – arms outstretched in front of you}

Now pray about some ways you intend to release your cares to God…

Close this prayer with a statement like: “In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”

ACTION: Did the palms up/down movements enhance your prayer? If so, maybe you’ll want to try another of the “movin’ and prayin’ ” prayers (LINK HERE) today or in the days ahead?

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!

Lectionary Texts for Sunday, January 26, 2020:

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