Community – desirable and challenging…

“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

The idea of beloved community is so desirable and yet challenging to attain. The Center for Action and Contemplation shared a weekly set of meditations HERE that includes quotes from several noteworthy figures. They make clear that we are frequently left wanting more action than we’re necessarily ready to take.

Consider checking out the summary and clicking on a particular day(s) to read more. Tuesday’s is particularly good, including this commentary:

As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. saw clearly in the last years of his life, we face a real choice between chaos and community—we need a moral revolution. If that was true fifty years ago, then we must be clear today: America needs a moral revival to bring about beloved community.  ~ William J. Barber II


  • Check out one or more of the daily topics of interest from the CAC summary HERE
  • Praying the Community into Being is a practice listed HERE (towards the bottom of the webpage). Consider trying it out, listening to the music and maybe drumming along?

Enjoy the day, filled with the Spirit!



Lectionary Texts for Sunday, August 2, 2020

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